July 2012 Archives by thread
Starting: Sun Jul 1 06:56:43 EDT 2012
Ending: Tue Jul 31 09:21:40 EDT 2012
Messages: 63
- [microsound-announce] playlist of my radio shows on JET FM last Friday, Campus Bruxelles yesterday and tonight on Radio Grenouille
philippe petit
- [microsound-announce] CityNumberScapes
HarS' Sound Chronicles
- [microsound-announce] Pueblo Nuevo New Release! pn075
Mika Martini
- [microsound-announce] Moving Forest - durational performance of remorse for extended bodies 4th July LDN
Marco Donnarumma
- [microsound-announce] Call for Participants: The Crystal World Open Laboratory, The White Building, London, July 17 - 21. 2012
Ryan Jordan
- [microsound-announce] :::: AUDITION RECORDS :::: RADICAL SOUND ARCHIVES :::: REVIEW | JUNE 2012 ::::
julian bonequi
- [microsound-announce] [framework radio] #381: 2012.07.01
. m u r m e r .
- [microsound-announce] Pd-berlin meeting next tuesday, 3. July
Malte Steiner
- [microsound-announce] Desolate Market Records EP
paul rogers
- [microsound-announce] TRANSIENT LAPSE, site-specific sound installation in The Hague [30 Jun - 7 Jul, 2012]
pablo sanz
- [microsound-announce] HOBO SONN / GM Concert Berlin Jul 5
Farah Hatam
- [microsound-announce] Transcript of VARIATIONS #7. The Composer, curated by Jon Leidecker, is now available online
Radio Web MACBA
- [microsound-announce] tonight my radio show on JET FM, airing all over Nantes and suburbs
philippe petit
- [microsound-announce] concert: Navnlaust Mønster Opptog / Ex-Con (Barcelona 07.07.2012)
l'ull cec
- [microsound-announce] noise=noise || 14/07/12 || @ ICA
Ryan Jordan
- [microsound-announce] Hörlursfestival online listening
Nathalie Fougeras
- [microsound-announce] SB :: A Forest Hanging from A Tree
HarS' Sound Chronicles
- [microsound-announce] Sounddesign library
- [microsound-announce] new Dave Phillips 7"
Radio Web MACBA
- [microsound-announce] [framework radio] #382: 2012.07.08
. m u r m e r .
- [microsound-announce] New at Stasisfield: Matthew Sansom
John Kannenberg
- [microsound-announce] Nils Quak – Long Forgotten Days Under A Dust Covered Sky (Nomadic Kids Republic)
Nils Quak
- [microsound-announce] SB :: The Sound Barrier
HarS' Sound Chronicles
- [microsound-announce] video for my new ep...
max tanguay
- [microsound-announce] Lecture: Lost Landscapes and Found Collections. An encounter with Rick Prelinger. Monday, July 16th at 7.30 pm. MACBA Auditorium
Radio Web MACBA
- [microsound-announce] Ed Veenstra's lecture transcript on collecting Broken Music, anti-records and object records is now available as a PDF
Radio Web MACBA
- [microsound-announce] Neural #42, The Illegal Issue
Alessandro Ludovico
- [microsound-announce] two new releases available at Heart and Soul
LtR at feedback loop
- [microsound-announce] Martin Howse\\Lijs Huyck\\Ryan Jordan\\Phil Julian\\Jonathan Kemp\\@ICA 14/07/12
Ryan Jordan
- [microsound-announce] my new ep / cccltd09 - maxime tanguay - skipped ep
max tanguay
- [microsound-announce] podcast and playlist for my radio show on JET FM tonight, airing all over Nantes and suburbs + tomorrow on college radio Campus airing all over Grenoble
philippe petit
- [microsound-announce] New podcast: MEMORABILIA. COLLECTING SOUNDS WITH... Kenneth Goldsmith. Part I
Radio Web MACBA
- [microsound-announce] July 20th Berlin: Thomas Ankersmit/ Alberto de Campo/ Pierce Warnecke/ Louis Laurain and Nils Ostendorf
Manuela Benetton
- [microsound-announce] Sound Travels Intensive (Toronto) - last day to apply for a scholarship (15/7)
Eldad Tsabary
- [microsound-announce] [XVR005] Adern X - Ink Spots called Words
Adern X
- [microsound-announce] [framework radio] #383: 2012.07.15
. m u r m e r .
- [microsound-announce] Ilhan Mimaroglu passed away
Anil Camci
- [microsound-announce] SB :: The World As We Found It
HarS' Sound Chronicles
- [microsound-announce] 20.07.12 · RAM.06 · DAFNA NAPHTALI · HANS TAMMEN · SALON BRUIT BERLIN
julian bonequi
- [microsound-announce] The Crystal World Salon :: 21st July
Ryan Jordan
- [microsound-announce] A Stranger Paradise #19 Le Placard Festival - Paris 27th-30th July 2012
A Stranger Paradise
- [microsound-announce] Music for Flesh and Xth Sense Biophysical Open Hardware, FILE festival Sao Paulo
Marco Donnarumma
- [microsound-announce] Eden Grey ‘Not Your Name + Remix
Bernhard Living
- [microsound-announce] TES 2012 -- invitation to participate in PEEP
CEC jef chippewa
- [microsound-announce] [framework radio] #384: 2012.07.22
. m u r m e r .
- [microsound-announce] ASVA & Philippe Petit's collaborative album is now released
philippe petit
- [microsound-announce] November 2012 dates for Europe
Kim Cascone
- [microsound-announce] Laptop orchestra and dance
Eldad Tsabary
- [microsound-announce] Probes #1, a new podcast series by Chris Cutler
Radio Web MACBA
- [microsound-announce] Ràdio Web MACBA's most listened podcasts (January - June, 2012)
Radio Web MACBA
- [microsound-announce] the occasional pertin-nce blog update, free music & dj mixes
max tanguay
- [microsound-announce] incite/ live in Sao Paulo
incite at gmx.de
- [microsound-announce] + Ràdio Web MACBA's most read contents (January - June, 2012)
Radio Web MACBA
- [microsound-announce] SB - UnOfficial Release
HarS' Sound Chronicles
- [microsound-announce] 'Vanishing Point' new release on Somehow Recordings
- [microsound-announce] 29.07.2012 ::: HANNA HARTMAN [SE] | ELS VANDEWEYER [BE] | ANNETTE KREBS [DE] & KAZUE TAGUCHI [JP] ::: OHRENGALA #11 BERLIN
julian bonequi
- [microsound-announce] .CORPSE 'The Terminal'
Bernhard Living
- [microsound-announce] Goodiepal 'A Day in the Mouth' (video)
Radio Web MACBA
- [microsound-announce] [framework radio] #385: 2012.07.29
. m u r m e r .
- [microsound-announce] Nils Quak – Aether (Nomadic Kids Republic) now available
info at nhlsqaik.com
- [microsound-announce] DorkbotSheffield #6
Jake Harries
Last message date:
Tue Jul 31 09:21:40 EDT 2012
Archived on: Tue Jul 31 09:21:43 EDT 2012
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