[microsound-announce] SB :: The World As We Found It

HarS' Sound Chronicles hars7 at hotmail.com
Wed Jul 18 14:26:36 EDT 2012

Ludwig & Ludwig for Dummies :: In arguably the world's smallest underground venue (Sub071, in Leiden, the Netherlands), with the 5 piece La Vie De Bohème we did a live pre-view of 'Het Moet Zo Zijn', a track to appear on the Dutch Smikkelbaard label as part of an upcoming 7" vinyl release... 'A record of utter wanton libidinousness'...
("I think I will become a poet, just like you," someone from the audience sighed, when all was said and done. "Then I too can go perform in underground squats like Sub, and throw stuff around…")
Harold Schellinx--http://harsmedia.comhttp://twitter.com/soundblog
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