[Microsound-announce] berlin anti-cold fronts detected
jeff gburek
tsazmaniac at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 13 08:03:45 EST 2006
hello all, an update:
two shows upcoming this week in berlin, one djalma
primordial science (see below) semi-premiere (the
first in cologne so many months ago seems like a
dream) and a rebirth of sorts—jeff gburek’s orphan
sound system—the annoyance and joy of basement dub
sessions beneath the hassidic barrios of Williamsburg
in the middle nineties—we spikers so many parties
anonymously had gone our separate ways since—but the
concept I carried in my heart and head and now its
will return Nov. 16 at Karmanoia Theater,
Mainzerstrasse 5 (Neukolln, near Hermannplatz), at
approximatel 10pm the countdown begins with Tommorrow
Collective. Orphan Sound System has always been the
test ground of slash and burn beat maceration,
electro-acoustic politics, ethnic short-wave struggle,
head fuck of identity spasm band, some kind of nasty
reincarnation of Pierre Henry infected by a Flatbush
saturday summer night transposed to the streets of
Jakarta during an anti-suharto riot and living to tell
the story. Now we have the tight drop-kick beats of
live percussionist Florian Blank and ritual
metal-percussionist Caspar Nilsson Wolf working around
my own laptop which has become a kind of universal
signal re-coder of sorts, a second brain almost (i
fear, often, better than the first one). Audience
involvement is not only tolerated but even slightly
encouraged. Music is the genii-us. Nov. 16, 10-ish pm
until we drop.
See you there.
djalma primordial science performs “mirrorminded
November 15, 2006. 21 Uhr. Eintritt: 7 euro
@ Theater Kapelle, Boxhagener Str. 99, Friedrichshain,
Berlin. http://www.theaterkapelle.de
Dance: Ephia and A.M. Palermo
Live Sound: Jeff Gburek, prepared guitar, computer
Video: Diegonante
A dance-theater work inspiralled beide wristless
Körpz-ohr of James Joyce’s Finn--agains Weak & the
layzee EyE, enflaymed Herz, und exting gwished Leben
ov Tochter Lucia (loo see ya. lose tsi uh). A
celebration of the nevher Ende indaFlüsse.
“I’d lie as quiet as a moss
And I’d frozen up and pray
for thawe. Three times in all. I was the pet of
everyone then. A princeable girl”
James Joyce, giant of modern literature, continually
on the verge of becoming blind, named his only
daughter Lucia. She was his mirrorminded, cross-eyed
saint of vision. Through his thick “fathom glasses” he
watched her dance, setting fires left and right,
fueling the creation of Finnegans Wake, burning her
own tethers to reality.
“And weary I go back to you my cold father, my cold
mad father, my cold mad feary father, till the
nearsight of the mere size of him, the moyles and
moyles of it, moananoaning, makes me seasilt saltsick
and I rush
Der deviante Körper als Inspirationsquelle der Kunst
und gleichzeigtiger Thematisierung des Tabu.
Inspiriert durch die Darstellung des Verhältnisses von
James Joyce zu seiner schizophrenen Tochter Lucia in
seinem Roman „Finnegans Wake“. Ephia bringt gemeinsam
mit dem Musiker Jeff Gburek dieses dialektische
Verhältnis in eindrucksvollen Tanz- und Tongemälden
auf die Bühne und überführt es vom konkreten Fall zur
generellen Frage nach der Wirkmächtigkeit des
Verdrängten in uns.
j.ff gbk
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