[Microsound-announce] Rodrigues, Sehnaoui, Sehnaoui - new online ep on con-v

conv convnetlabel at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 22 08:19:59 EST 2006

Hi All.

 Ernesto Rodrigues has, of all players in the field of
non-idiomatic improv, been the most manifest on the
internet, with what is now already his third net-label
release (also having his music out on ctrl-alt-canc
and Stasisfield). Within this present constellation
(together with Libanese avantists Christine & Sharif
Sehnaoui) a musical universe is conjured which,
lacking any figurative tendencies, can be
characterised as a very hylic affair - dealing as it
does with the 'lowest' portion of musical matter,
letting for no instance of sublimation. The
grittiness, the very elemental quality of the
sonorities are something of a very coarse-definition
blow-up of the respective instrument's material
properties (being violin, guitar & saxophone), a
white-noise produced by solely analogue mechanics.
Under the stress & strain of several extended
techniques the acoustic possibilities that these
instruments intrinsically possess are elicited from
the marrow of their material structure, which is not a
pretty picture. It is, in fact, not a picture at all,
but rather an instance of the deconstruction of Maya.


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