[Microsound-announce] NEW: Wolfgang Peter Menzel ARCHIVE: Loam

john kannenberg john at stasisfield.com
Thu Apr 20 06:26:01 EDT 2006


Stasisfield is pleased to announce its latest free mp3 release...


SF-5002 : Arches of a String : Wolfgang Peter Menzel


German-born, Sweden-based artist and composer Wolfgang Peter Menzel 
latest in a series of variations on the theme of "longstring" 
composition is a lengthy piece of minimal acoustics designed to 
immerse the listener in an experience that evokes the visual 
sensations of observing the interlocking arcades of Islamic temple 
architecture. Instead of viewing arches within arches, here the 
listener hears arcs of sound enveloping each other, minute changes in 
the sounds' subtleties point the way towards the next repetition in a 
copious sequence of similar events. Attentiveness to the slight 
differences in these sonic events is the key to unlocking this epic 
architecture of the ear.

Available for download + streaming now:

[ http://www.stasisfield.com/releases/year05/sf-5002.html ]


And in our Archive section:


SF-1005 : Meditations [on ashKroft] : Loam


Originally released 03.04.02, US artist Loam deconstructed one of the 
most frightening songsmiths of 2002 in this epic sonic conflagration 
of noise, glitch and fractured melodies. A must-listen sign of the 

Available for download:

[ http://www.stasisfield.com/releases/archive/ ]


As always, thanks for listening. More coming soon.




john kannenberg

[ http://www.johnkannenberg.com ]

[ http://www.stasisfield.com ]

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