[microsound-announce] Hyperreal members mix tape : Frozen But Warm mixed by Bleupulp

dubloop dubloop at oricom.ca
Fri Jan 8 15:08:01 EST 2021


thank you all for sending your splendid music. 

only two tracks are not from Hyperreal artists. 

and sorry for those that i missed to include (ill use your music in my
next mixes) 

details : 

Bleupulp - Frozen But Warm (La Face B : FRETTE special 2020-12-27) 

1- andrew duke - gigerdoor
2- Subjective Pitch Matching Band - Twenty-One Subjectivities in Six
3- blue season - lekwats
4- Weird Bodies - soup crystalz
5- Echoflex - 50°21_39_N 4°09_44_W Veering SSE
6- isostatic - forest bloom (mouvement 2)
7- brian oblivion - dead rainbow postcards
8- t0k4 - walk from 56
9- Weird Bodies - mallet objet
10- Martijn Comes - Scant Intone - Remain Silent (Version)
11- Listening Post - chimes 2
12- hober mallow - ted
13- Echoflex - Flight Pattern 3
14- brian thomas - (2)
15- Bengalfuel - Providence
16- scud - home
17- Bengalfuel - Providence
18- visual sounds - behind heaven's door
19- Echoflex - Flight Pattern 3
20- isostatic - forest biome (movement 1)
21- Listening Post - chimes 3
22- Subjective Pitch Matching Band - Twenty-One Subjectivities in Six
23- Bengalfuel - Providence
24- hober mallow - RNBOW
25- frederico balducci - para hoy solo soy
26- arbee - casquette deux
27- LAZTEK - A Round (Andrew Duke RX)
28- reader advisor - In A River {Niles Frantz & bleupulp}
29- brian oblivion - Past time units whirl evening faces into drifting
30- Subjective Pitch Matching Band - Twenty-One Subjectivities in Six

stream & download:


artist links :
Andrew Duke : www.cognitionaudioworks.com
Arbee : arbee.bandcamp.com
Bengalfuel : www.infractionrecords.com
Bleupulp : bleupulp.bandcamp.com
Brian oblivion : hearthis.at/brian-oblivion
Echoflex : www.seehear.it
Federico Balducci : federicobalducci7.bandcamp.com
Hober Mallow : @hober-mallow
Isostatic : exospheremusic.bandcamp.com
(web radio) La Face B : www.lafaceb.live
Laztek : camembertelectrique.bandcamp.com
Listening Post : listeningpost.bandcamp.com
Martijn Comes : movingfurniturerecords.bandcamp.com
Reader Advisor : readeradvisor.bandcamp.com
Scant Intone : scantintone.bandcamp.com
Scud : www.seehear.it
Subjective Pitch Matching Band : remoteworks.bandcamp.com
t0k4 : t0k4.bandcamp.com
Visual Sounds : www.seehear.it
Weird bodies : weirdbodies.bandcamp.com 

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