[microsound-announce] [framework radio] #710: 2020.04.19

. m u r m e r . murmer at murmerings.com
Mon Apr 20 02:52:29 EDT 2020


framework radio
phonography ::: field recording ::: the art of sound-hunting
open your ears and listen!

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#710: 2020.04.19
listen to this edition here: 

patreon campaign progress report:
76% towards our goal (up from 75%)
73 patrons (up from 70)
want to help? http://www.patreon.com/frameworkradio

it was just before our last regular edition (the show was already mixed 
and sent off to our family stations) that we received the news of the 
passing of amanda wilson, aka kassia flux. amanda has been a big 
contributor to the program over the last several years, and, although we 
paid tribute to her in writing in the playlist for that edition (#708) 
we wanted to do it on the air as well, so in this edition we listened 
back to two long excerpts from her two editions of framework:afield, 
both of which can be heard in their entirely via the links below. we 
also began this edition with the last framework introduction she 
contributed, recorded earlier this year, just before our 700th show. 
amanda was a great artist and a great friend of the program, and we will 
miss her.

along with amanda's sounds we listened to the 2nd two tracks from our 
most recent framework:seasonal release, issue #11, spring 2020 (which 
can be heard in full and/or purchased here: 
by gaël segalen and mike bullock, an upcoming flaming pines release by 
kate carr, and an unreleased work by standard grey. we also returned to 
our aporee soundmaps segment, featuring recent listener chosen favorites 
from the maps.

again, we are always looking for new material, whether raw field 
recordings, field recording based composition, or introduction 
submissions. we are also now accepting proposals for full editions of 
our guest curated framework:afield series. send proposals or material, 
released or not, on any format, to the address at the bottom of this 
mail. if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch!


[time  /  artist  /  track  /  release  /  label]

00:00 - 03:48  /  kassia flux  /  framework introduction, recorded in the uk

02:08 - 06:39  /  rastislav gulasa  /  night activity in train yard  / 
bratislava, sk  /  aporee soundmaps

04:54 - 17:31  /  amanda wilson & justin gagen  /  aurosion: eroding 
sonic landscapes with the internet audio cyclotron [excerpt]  / 
framework #605: 2017.07.02 / -

10:08 - 19:47  /  kate carr  /  [extract 1]  /  where to begin  / 
flaming pines
http://www.gleamingsilverribbon.com/, http://flamingpines.com/

13:04 - 24:05  /  longpig recordings  /  rent strike protests  / austin, 
us  /  aporee soundmaps

18:44 - 28:56  /  gaël segalen  /  runrizon (harp pt. 2)  / 
framework:seasonal issue #11, spring 2020  /  framework editions

23:14 - 36:29  /  standard grey  /  okinawa wind turbines, tenri rice 
field, sakicho imperial burial mound [extract 1]  /  -  /  -

32:57 - 38:32  /  dr. lutz nevermann  /  klepperer ziehen am karsamstag 
/  mainaschaff, de  /  aporee soundmaps

35:30 - 49:26  /  kassia flux  /  horseplay [excerpt]  /  framework 
#631: 2018.03.04  / -

40:19 - 51:40  /  kate carr  /  [extract 2]  /  where to begin  / 
flaming pines
http://www.gleamingsilverribbon.com/, http://flamingpines.com/

43:41 - 59:00  /  mike bullock  /  thunderstorm, ariège, pyrénées, 
france, september 2019  /  framework:seasonal issue #11, spring 2020  / 
framework editions

46:28 - 55:44  /  standard grey  /  okinawa wind turbines, tenri rice 
field, sakicho imperial burial mound [extract 2]  /  -  /  -

51:55 - 59:00  /  kay westhues  /  passing train quieting a frog chorus 
/  walkerton, us  /  aporee soundmaps


SUPPORT FRAMEWORK! your contributions make framework possible. become a 
patron: http://www.patreon.com/frameworkradio or make a one-time 
donation: http://www.frameworkradio.net/donate. explore our rewards and 
thank-you gifts! we can't do it without you, and we greatly appreciate 
your support.


framework intro submissions:

    1)    take yourself and an audio recorder to a location of your choice
    2)    record for AT LEAST 1 minute before you -
    3)    read aloud the following text (in english or translated):

welcome to framework. framework is a show consecrated to 
field-recording, and its use in composition.  field-recording, 
phonography, the art of sound hunting; open your ears and listen!

    4)    continue recording for AT LEAST 2 minutes after the text
    5)    post the recording to us on any format, or send us an 

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::   info at frameworkradio.net
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