[microsound-announce] [framework radio] #669: 2019.01.27

. m u r m e r . murmer at murmerings.com
Tue Jan 29 05:51:30 EST 2019


framework radio
phonography ::: field recording ::: the art of sound-hunting
open your ears and listen!

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#669: 2019.01.27
listen to this edition here: 

a special regular edition, if you will, this week, as we focused on a 
single release, albeit one that includes 60 artists and almost 9 hours 
of sound. the french label taâlem is on the third year of it's 
'homework' project - each year taâlem invites all the artists who have 
ever appeared in it's catalog (and they've been around for years, so 
that's a lot) to contribute a track to it's end-of-year compilation, the 
idea being that the series follows the progression of its participants. 
we've made a selection of appropriate works from this year's edition, 15 
tracks in all, from both familiar and new names to our airwaves. i won't 
hide the fact that i'm a participant myself, and have contributed a 
track from my project murmer to each edition so far.

it's a free online-only release, and can be streamed or downloaded here:


scroll to the bottom of the page for links also to years 1 and 2.

again, we are always looking for new material, whether raw field 
recordings, field recording based composition, or introduction 
submissions. we are also now accepting proposals for full editions of 
our guest curated framework:afield series. send proposals or material, 
released or not, on any format, to the address at the bottom of this 
mail. if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch!


[time  /  artist  /  track  /  release  /  label]

00:00 - 04:18  /  terje paulsen  /  framework introduction, recorded in 

02:07 - 13:12  /  artificial memory trace  /  paralelion  /  homework - 
year 3 [compilation]  /  taâlem
http://artificialmemorytrace.com, https://www.taalem.com

08:26  /  12:41  /  cendre ogata  /  sous les barques lentes  / homework 
- year 3 [compilation]  /  taâlem

10:11 - 17:30  /  cyanching wu + david velez  /  dalston  /  homework - 
year 3 [compilation]  /  taâlem
https://soundcloud.com/cyanching, http://davidvelezr.tumblr.com, 

12:28 - 24:52  /  edward ruchalski  /  october  /  homework - year 3 
[compilation]  /  taâlem
https://edwardruchalski.com, https://www.taalem.com

14:45 - 25:16  /  exportion  /  artificial doll  /  homework - year 3 
[compilation]  /  taâlem
http://exportion.org, https://www.taalem.com

18:42 - 27:41  /  goose  /  finding peace  /  homework - year 3 
[compilation]  /  taâlem
http://angrygoose.net, https://www.taalem.com

25:22 - 31:52  /  flavien gillié  /  le télétravail des autres  / 
homework - year 3 [compilation]  /  taâlem
http://www.soundisall.net, https://www.taalem.com

30:22 - 34:59  /  ingeos  /  kdi dctb 287 #09  /  homework - year 3 
[compilation]  /  taâlem
http://www.ingeos.org, https://www.taalem.com

31:30 - 46:25  /  jérémie mathes  /  grytviken  /  homework - year 3 
[compilation]  /  taâlem
http://www.jeremiemathes.net, https://www.taalem.com

35:06 - 42:21  /  mathieu ruhlmann  /  pushed by the wind  /  homework - 
year 3 [compilation]  /  taâlem
http://www.caduc.org, https://www.taalem.com

38:44 - 47:14  /  moljebka pvlse  /  so much, no more  /  homework - 
year 3 [compilation]  /  taâlem
http://www.moljebka.com, https://www.taalem.com

39:03 - 54:40  /  murmer  /  water, grain, oil (work in progress)  / 
homework - year 3 [compilation]  /  taâlem
http://murmerings.com, https://www.taalem.com

46:41 - 53:58  /  philippe lamy  /  stextr  /  homework - year 3 
[compilation]  /  taâlem
https://www.philippe-lamy.net, https://www.taalem.com

47:55 - 59:00  /  tainnos  /  ikivanha  /  homework - year 3 
[compilation]  /  taâlem
https://tainnos.bandcamp.com, https://www.taalem.com

50:12 - 55:16  /  pollypraha  /  répétition  /  homework - year 3 
[compilation]  /  taâlem
http://www7a.biglobe.ne.jp/~pollypraha, https://www.taalem.com


SUPPORT FRAMEWORK! your contributions make framework possible. become a 
patron: http://www.patreon.com/frameworkradio or make a one-time 
donation: http://www.frameworkradio.net/donate. explore our rewards and 
thank-you gifts! we can't do it without you, and we greatly appreciate 
your support.


framework intro submissions:

    1)    take yourself and an audio recorder to a location of your choice
    2)    record for AT LEAST 1 minute before you -
    3)    read aloud the following text (in english or translated):

welcome to framework. framework is a show consecrated to 
field-recording, and its use in composition.  field-recording, 
phonography, the art of sound hunting; open your ears and listen!

    4)    continue recording for AT LEAST 2 minutes after the text
    5)    post the recording to us on any format, or send us an 

::   http://www.frameworkradio.net
::   info at frameworkradio.net
::   http://www.patreon.com/frameworkradio
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