[microsound-announce] [framework radio] #624: 2018.01.14

. m u r m e r . murmer at murmerings.com
Mon Jan 15 11:39:28 EST 2018


framework radio
phonography ::: field recording ::: the art of sound-hunting
open your ears and listen!

for general info, playlists, broadcasts, podcasts, or to stream at any 
time: http://www.frameworkradio.net


#624: 2018.01.14
listen to this edition here: 

happy new year! we are back with our first show of the year, but i am 
actually on the road myself right now, so i'll keep this brief and just 
say enjoy the show! don't forget that framework:seasonal issue #9 was 
released just before we took our winter break, with great new works from 
jonaś gruška, bird & renoult, and fintan o'brien, so show your support 
for framework by ordering one now!

again, we are always looking for new material, whether raw field 
recordings, field recording based composition, or introduction 
submissions. we are also now accepting proposals for full editions of 
our guest curated framework:afield series. send proposals or material, 
released or not, on any format, to the address at the bottom of this 
mail. if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch!


[time  /  artist  /  track  /  release  /  label]

00:00 - 08:39  /  richie warburton  /  framework introduction, recorded 
in the uk

03:23 - 13:30  /  tarab + artificial memory trace  /  entimorf 3  / obex 
  /  cronica
http://tarab3058.com, http://artificialmemorytrace.com, 

06:46 - 10:28  /  jeremy hegge  /  morning in the jiggi valley  / jiggi, 
nsw, au  /  aporee soundmaps
https://aporee.org/maps/?loc=39039, https://jeremyh.bandcamp.com

10:28 - 17:08  /   modlift  /  crickets1-0  /  -  /  -

14:02 - 19:04  /  david oppetit  /  année zéro  /  -  /  [self-released]

18:40 - 20:41  /  ian-john hutchinson  /  at a distance  /  seoul, kr  / 
  aporee soundmaps

19:50 - 24:15  /  tarab + artificial memory trace  /  exchange - 
transform 2b  / obex  /  cronica
http://tarab3058.com, http://artificialmemorytrace.com, 

21:00 - 29:22  /  gurkan mihci  /  night  /  -  /  -

23:45 - 32:31  /  david oppetit  /  floating house music  /  -  / 

27:34 - 33:32  /  modlift  /  noizetest24_0006  /  -  /  -

31:36 - 34:04  /  bruno gebhard  /  freight train  /  austin, tx, us  / 
aporee soundmaps

33:25 - 42:58  /  tarab + artificial memory trace  /  transform 1  / 
obex  /  cronica
http://tarab3058.com, http://artificialmemorytrace.com, 

39:48 - 43:32  /  kislov sergey  /  railway talks  /  apatity, murmansk, 
ru  /  aporee soundmaps

42:48 - 45:58  /  david oppetit  /  the little boy in the cave  /  -  / 

43:44 - 52:25  /  gurkan mihci  /  day  /  -  /  -

45:48 - 54:18  /  felix blume  /  screaming piha in the amazonian 
rainforest  /  tauary (amazonian rainforest)  /  aporee soundmaps
https://aporee.org/maps/?loc=38530, http://www.felixblume.com

48:55 - 58:25  /  tarab + artificial memory trace  /  lampsh  / obex  / 
http://tarab3058.com, http://artificialmemorytrace.com, 

58:00 - 59:00  /  kris limbach  /  the last minute of 2017  /  -  / 


SUPPORT FRAMEWORK! your contributions make framework possible. please 
consider signing up to become a regular monthly donor, or make a 
one-time contribution. as a thank-you for your subscription of €5 or 
more, or your one-time donation of €20 or more, we'll send you the 
latest issue of our framework:seasonal release series! we can't do it 
without you, and we greatly appreciate your support.


framework intro submissions:

    1)    take yourself and an audio recorder to a location of your choice
    2)    record for AT LEAST 1 minute before you -
    3)    read aloud the following text (in english or translated):

welcome to framework. framework is a show consecrated to 
field-recording, and its use in composition.  field-recording, 
phonography, the art of sound hunting; open your ears and listen!

    4)    continue recording for AT LEAST 2 minutes after the text
    5)    post the recording to us on any format, or send us an 

::   http://www.frameworkradio.net
::   info at frameworkradio.net
::   http://www.facebook.com/frameworkradio
::   http://www.mixcloud.com/framework_radio
::   http://www.frameworkradio.net/podcast
::   http://www.frameworkradio.net/donate
::   telliskivi 3
::   65605 võru
::   estonia
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