[microsound-announce] Forgotten Spaces (EUROMicroFest 2015), 21.6-4.7, Freiburg, Germany

Stephen Altoft scaltoft at googlemail.com
Tue May 12 15:16:26 EDT 2015

Forgotten Spaces (EUROMicroFest 2015)

An interdisciplinary Festival of microtonal music, art, dance, film,  
literature and soundart

21.06.2015 - 04.07.2015
F 58 - temporäre Räume der Kulturliste Freiburg, Friedrichstraße 58,  
79098 Freiburg


with work by Harald Kimmig, Crafone Liu Sheng, Cristina Ohlmer, Zahra  
Marta Roberti, Benjamin Schindler/Jan F. Kurth, Ephraim Wegner, Thomas  
Wenk/ Telemach Wiesinger

17:00 Welcome Speech & Exhibition Opening

18:00 Opening Concert, Performance and Film
Stephen Altoft (19-div Trumpet), Hideto Heshiki (Dance) & Harald  
Kimmig (Violin)
Works by Donald Bousted, Jim Dalton, Eleri Angharad Pound and Stephen  

17:00 Gespräche, Gedanken, Projekte (Eintritt frei)

Participating artists, composers and musicians and interested Guests,  
are invited to
exchange ideas, within a relaxed setting.

18:00 Final Concert

duo Contour+Thomas Wenk and Telemach Wiesinger, Black Forest  
Percussion Group,
The Human Factory Band, Heinzl Spagl and electronic music selected  
from the works submitted in response to the international Call for  
Forgotten Spaces.

Works by D. Bousted (WP), J. Cage/L.Harrison, L. Reid (German  
Premier), C.
Hale (WP), Y. Reuveny (European Premier), B. Payri (WP), K. Stewart  
(German Premier), N. Collins (WP), D. Dramm (WP), H. Kimmig (WP), T.  
Wiesinger (WP) und E. Wegner.

Opening times of the Exhibition and temporary Bar:

Wednesday to Friday:
17:00 - 21:00
Saturday/ Sunday
12:00 - 20:00, except Sat 4.7. 16:00 - 18:00

Entrance to the Exhibition: Free
Entance to the concerts: 12/8 EURO concessions, Tickets only available  
at the door.

Further Informationen: www.forgotten-spaces.eu

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