[microsound-announce] [framework radio] #535: 2015.11.29
. m u r m e r .
murmer at murmerings.com
Tue Dec 1 11:32:01 EST 2015
framework radio
phonography ::: field recording ::: the art of sound-hunting
open your ears and listen!
framework broadcasts:
- daily, 16:30 ::: vancouver, us ::: radio nouspace
- sunday, 23:00 ::: london, uk ::: resonance 104.4fm
- monday, 05:00 ::: amsterdam, nl ::: concertzender
- monday, 23:00 ::: tartu, ee ::: generaadio
- tuesday, 04:00 ::: new york state, us ::: wgxc 90.7fm
- tuesday, 12:00 ::: south devon, uk ::: soundartradio 102.5fm
- tuesday, 18:00 ::: tartu, ee ::: generaadio
- wednesday, 05:00 ::: london, uk ::: resonance 104.4fm
- wednesday, 16:00 ::: brighton, uk ::: resonance extra
- thursday, 19:00 ::: lisbon, pt ::: radio zero
- thursday, 23:00 ::: maribor, si ::: radio maršš 95.9fm
- friday, 02:00 ::: brussels, be ::: radio campus 92.1fm
- saturday, 08:00 ::: lisbon, pt ::: radio zero
- saturday, 14:00 ::: tartu, ee ::: generaadio
- saturday, 19:00 ::: new york state, us ::: wgxc 90.7fm
~ time zone converter: http://www.thetimezoneconverter.com ~
for general info, playlists, podcasts, or to stream the latest edition
at any time: http://www.frameworkradio.net
SUPPORT FRAMEWORK! your contributions make framework possible. please
consider signing up to become a regular monthly donor, or make a
one-time contribution. as a thank-you for your subscription of €5 or
more, or your one-time donation of €20 or more, we'll send you the
latest issue of our framework:seasonal release series! we can't do it
without you, and we greatly appreciate your support.
#535: 2015.11.29
listen to this edition here:
our last traveling show for 2015, this one comes to you from a windy
back garden in north london, even though we are now already back in the
early dusk of estonia, with a handful of snowflakes falling. we are very
pleased to present you this week with a new lp of glorious site-specific
vocal experiments by stine janvin motland on lasse marhaug's pica disk
imprint, along with a fine collection of online releases by joshua adams
acosta, darius ciuta, and luís antero. all begun by a framework
introduction recorded in our presence in oxford, england by our great
friend jonathan coleclough.
and a few words about our holiday scheduling: as usual we'll be taking a
few weeks off at year's end, which means our last show of 2015 will
premier on december 20th (it's an afield curated by annual contributor
raviv ganchrow, featuring the work of the students from his aural
tectonics course in amsterdam), and our first show of 2016, a regular
edition, will premiere on january 10th.
again, we are always looking for new material, whether raw field
recordings, field recording based composition, or introduction
submissions. we are also now accepting proposals for full editions of
our guest curated framework:afield series. send proposals or material,
released or not, on any format, to the address at the bottom of this
mail. if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch!
[time / artist / track / album / label]
00:00 - 05:12 / jonathan coleclough / framework introduction,
recorded in the uk
03:00 - 09:52 / joshua adams acosta / part 1 / separate entirely /
05:47 - 18:56 / darius ciuta / [extract 1] / lL1_z / auriculab
14:26 - 20:03 / stine janvin motland / sorting it all out / in
labour / pica disk
17:52 - 21:59 / luís antero / vento na torre / sound places: serra
da estrela / .phonographiq
http://luisantero.yolasite.com, https://phq-art.bandcamp.com
19:46 - 28:50 / joshua adams acosta / part 2 / separate entirely /
23:14 - 26:02 / luís antero / covão d'ametade / sound places:
serra da estrela / .phonographiq
http://luisantero.yolasite.com, https://phq-art.bandcamp.com
26:05 - 30:23 / stine janvin motland / sleepwalker / in labour /
pica disk
28:56 - 46:12 / darius ciuta / [extract 2] / lL1_z / auriculab
31:11 - 38:23 / luís antero / aves e água do sabugueiro / sound
places: serra da estrela / .phonographiq
http://luisantero.yolasite.com, https://phq-art.bandcamp.com
35:28 - 39:00 / stine janvin motland / the foehn / in labour /
pica disk
42:01 - 48:05 / joshua adams acosta / part 3 [extract 1] / separate
entirely / echomusic
46:09 - 48:05 / stine janvin motland / on display / in labour /
pica disk
47:46 - 53:16 / luís antero / o gado e a (sua) loiça / sound
places: serra da estrela / .phonographiq
http://luisantero.yolasite.com, https://phq-art.bandcamp.com
53:04 - 56:33 / joshua adams acosta / part 3 [extract 2] / separate
entirely / echomusic
55:34 - 57:00 / stine janvin motland / condemnation falls through /
in labour / pica disk
framework intro submissions:
1) take yourself and an audio recorder to a location of your choice
2) record for AT LEAST 1 minute before you -
3) read aloud the following text (in english or translated):
welcome to framework. framework is a show consecrated to
field-recording, and its use in composition. field-recording,
phonography, the art of sound hunting; open your ears and listen!
4) continue recording for AT LEAST 2 minutes after the text
5) post the
recording to us on any format, or send us an mp3––––––––––––––––––––––––––
:: http://www.frameworkradio.net
:: info at frameworkradio.net
:: http://www.facebook.com/frameworkradio
:: http://www.mixcloud.com/framework_radio
:: http://www.frameworkradio.net/podcast
:: http://www.frameworkradio.net/donate
:: telliskivi 3
:: 65605 võru
:: estonia
mailing list: http://eepurl.com/lQBOT
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