[microsound-announce] New releases from Bernhard Living week ending: 27.09.2014

Bernhard Living bernhard.living at me.com
Sun Sep 28 10:40:45 EDT 2014

New releases from Bernhard Living week ending: 27.09.2014

[Composition 00052]
[Composition 00052 is in three parts and is identical in structure to the earlier Composition 00051, with three key sonic elements overlapping each other in the three different sections. However, the sonic content is very different and the overall texture is more sparse, with the sounds suggesting remoteness and isolation. This composition explores the concepts of rigidity and non-variation to the extreme.]

[Composition 00053]
[Composition 00053 is in ten parts, with each part consisting of a 128-bar pulse drone followed by 64 bars of silence. Even though the composition has a very rigid structure, it is, in some ways, vague and amorphous. The silences are there to displace the overall coherences of the sounds, which appear fragmented and isolated in space. It is not always obvious when a new part begins, or when the composition as a whole has finished. There are no cadences or climaxes to suggest an ending, the composition fades away and disappears as if into thin air.]

[Bernhard Living]

+ 44 (0)7918 - 68 65 65




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