[microsound-announce] Real Men With Dictaphones - DIKTAT IN AMERICA

HarS' Sound Chronicles hars7 at hotmail.com
Fri Jul 4 06:58:36 EDT 2014

Dear Friends,
A bit later this summer Staaltape will release DIKTAT IN AMERICA,  a cassette audiozine lovingly compiled, composed & packed by Rinus van Alebeek, documenting DIKTAT's short stay in the US of A, almost two years ago, between September 26th and October 3rd of 2012.
To celebrate the audiozine's release, we have compiled a 5 track speculative video album, documenting the ritual unpublic sonic interventions in US public space, that we did as part of the tour. The album is called "DIKTAT 4 US Dances", and is now viewable as a playlist on uTube(https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSJ1HecZOia-afc7KCwEx7FmsZBvpY8zc)
Accompanying comments, words and thoughts can be found in the latest SoundBlog entry:Speculative Dancing -- (http://www.harsmedia.com/SoundBlog/Archief/00811.php)
Wishing you the best of all summers,HS--http://harsmedia.comhttp://twitter.com/soundblog 		 	   		  
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