[microsound-announce] (w links) ► This Sun, 09 Feb ◄ MSP/Piano: Full Renga-kai (連歌会) @ SIMM Series, SF, 7:30pm + Set 2: Eli Wallace Trio @ 8:30pm

Joe Lasqo joe at joelasqo.com
Fri Feb 7 20:39:48 EST 2014

Dear µsounders —

(now with links….)

新年快樂! If you're in San Francisco, join 9 musicians + 1 dancer as we welcome the Year of the Horse with a mobile sculpture of unfolding lowercase sound and movement.


[1] MSP/piano — Full Renga-kai (連歌会) (this Sun, 09 Feb@ Outsound's SIMM Series, SF, 7:30pm) + Set 2: Eli Wallace Trio (w Karl Evangelista & Jon Arkin), 8:30pm


Shapeshifting duets based on the Japanese renga collaborative improv poetry form, with dances by Nan Busse

Expanding on John Cage's renga-piece techniques, we've created a kaleidoscopic new renga-based piece Renga-kai (連歌会), for 9 electro-acoustic musicians, plus dance.

Line-up: Nancy Beckman (shakuhachi, small percussion), Tom Bickley (Paetzold contrabass recorder, electronics/radios), Rachel Condry (clarinets), Patti Deuter (piano/toy piano/radio), Ben Kreith (violin), Joe Lasqo (MSP/laptop, piano, mṛdangam & solkaṭṭu), Sangita Moskow (sarod), Dean Santomieri (guitars), Jennifer Wilsey (percussion) + dancer Nan Busse

+ Set 2, 8:30pm: Eli Wallace Trio (w Karl Evangelista, guitar & Jon Arkin, drums)

— From super-cooled lowercase in set 1, to hot jazz from the best of Bay Area jazz’s new generation of players in set 2…

Write-up, show details, venue map, and images: http://joelasqo.com/blog/2014/02/05/msppiano-full-renga-kai-連歌会-w-beckman-bickley-condry-deuter-kreith-lasqo-moskow-santomieri-and-wilsey-plus-dancer-nan-busse-sun-09-feb-simm-series-sf-730pm/

Additional Examiner.com preview of our show: http://www.examiner.com/article/outsound-presents-will-again-celebrate-chinese-new-year-its-own-way


[2] Video released of 15 Jan 2014 CNM show with Thollem McDonas, Joe Lasqo, Cheryl Leonard, ROVA ½tet (Bruce Ackley & Steve Adams), Nava Dunkelman, & Nan Busse


Through the generosity of videographer Charles Smith, video of this unique double-piano double-trio's intense show last month at SF's Center for New Music is now available here:

— Piece #1 (long)   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aL1VKglmgtU

— Piece #2 (short)  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YglpCG4zzMM


Hope to renga with you this Sun at SIMM...

Joe Lasqo

joe at joelasqo.com

Show calendar & news: http://www.joelasqo.com/blog/
Weekly: Viracocha, 21st & Valencia, SF, 3-6pm, Wednesdays
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