[microsound-announce] playlist for my radio shows this week

philippe petit philippe-petit at wanadoo.fr
Mon Dec 22 01:49:41 EST 2014

Good morning
Here's the playlist for my radio shows this week, on air 6 days a week 
in 6 different parts of France + right now airing again on JET FM:


On air:

Every Tuesday at 2PM on Radio Panik from Brussels (105,4 FM)

Every Wednesday from 10 to 11 PM on College Radio Campus in Dijon

Every Thursday from 8 to 9 PM thru L'EKO des Garrigues FM that emits all 
over Montpellier and subrbs.

Every Friday from 19:30 to 20:30 the BiP_HOp Generation airs on JET FM 
which emits all over Nantes and its suburbs.

On College Radio Campus Grenoble, all over Grenoble and suburbs every 
Saturday evening, from 09:00 to 10:00 PM.

Every Sunday from 22:00 to 23:00 on Radio Grenouille in Marseille and 

BiP_HOp Generation

"ALBUM"  (label)

Nazoranai: #4
"s/t" (Soma/Editions Mego)

Vlatko: Sometimes Always
"Subjective Experience In A Commercial Free Zone" (pfMENTUM)

Vlatko: If Only Maybe Were A Probability
"Subjective Experience In A Commercial Free Zone" (pfMENTUM)

KK Null + The Noiser: 03:58
"s/t" (Monotype)

Felix Kubin: Sounds From The Archive
"Chromdioxidgedächtnis" (Gagarin)

Schneider â„¢: First Of May
"Guitar Sounds" (Mirror World Music)

Steve Roden: Feeling, smelling, tasting
"Flower & Water" (Dragon's Eye)

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