[microsound-announce] murmerings ::: 2014.03 ::: echoes and imprints

. m u r m e r . murmer at murmerings.com
Wed Apr 16 06:36:20 EDT 2014

::: the occasional comings and goings of murmer ::: echo surveys ::: 
free downloads of out-of-print releases ::: 2014 travels ::: framework 
radio :::
** ::: murmerings 2014.03 :::
many greetings from murmerings' new home (at least new since i last 
wrote) in the village of põlgaste in southeast estonia. a few things to 
tell you about, and as it's been a long time and we've migrated this 
newsletter into these exciting new surroundings we thought we should 
make contact.

the last year or so has seen most of our energy going into framework 
radio, and while i'm very pleased with that progress, i'm hoping to give 
a little more of my energy to murmer this year. there are some releases 
in the works (including my first full-length vinyl!), which will be 
announced in the coming months, and hopefully more upcoming 
performances, and of course many many sounds.


::: echo surveys :::
in 2012 i began a new series of performances which i call echo surveys. 
the premise is straightforward: each is entirely unique and 
site-specific; all sounds heard are either produced live from materials 
found in the space, or have been prerecorded there during a 
pre-performance reconnaissance visit. this is an attempt to retain a 
specific and direct connection with each space and each audience, and to 
retain a sense of risk associated with each performance.

three echo surveys are now online here:

* live at muhlenberg, allentown, 2012.11.06
* live at studio soto, boston, 2012.11.10
* live at 106BLDG30, brooklyn, 2012.11.16

this last one was an audio-visual collaboration with bruce tovsky . his 
film with my audio can also be seen at the above link.

i'm looking for more opportunities to perform these surveys, if you have 
an idea. any and all feedback welcome!


::: online murmerings :::
since i last wrote, many old and out-of-print murmer releases have been 
put up at http://murmerings.com/releases for free download as high 
resolution flacs, or streaming as mp3s:

* .murmer (2002, bake records)
* eyes like a fish (2002, s'agita recordings)
* definition (2003, absurd)
* elements (2004, ground fault)
* live in boston (2005, ctrlaltcanc)


::: upcoming travels :::
2014 will include travels to the uk, france, and the united states. if 
you're in one of these places (or somewhere else and have some travel 
budget) and might be interested in booking a performance, workshop, or 
artist talk, please get in touch!

** ::: framework radio :::
as mentioned, framework radio has been hard at work expanding its 
listenership and launching new endeavours. we are now part of the 
broadcast schedules at TWELVE great radio stations, based all over the 
world: tartu, london, amsterdam, vancouver, south devon, maribor, 
lisbon, coimbra, ljubljana, brussels, new york state, and brasilía. we 
have been working hard towards uploading our full FOURTEEN years of 
program archives to our website, and already you can hear almost THREE 
HUNDRED shows from between 2007 and now. we are also, with the great 
help of aporee's udo noll, slowly building the framework radio intro 
map, archiving over TEN years of listener recorded framework 
introductions. if you've ever recorded a framework intro, and yours is 
not yet on the map, please get in touch! and we are now up to SIX issues 
of our framework:seasonal fund-raising release series, all of which are 
available from the framework editions page on our website. so many great 
things happening at framework right now, we hope you're listening, we 
hope you like what you hear, and we hope that, if you don't already, you 
are willing to show your support by becoming a framework donor! 
everything is here:


thanks for listening!

murmerings is an occasional update on the comings and goings of sound, 
radio and performance artist patrick mcginley, aka murmer

murmer at murmerings.com


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