[microsound-announce] Fwd: immersound_LAX and immersound_SEA with Tim Hecker, Christopher Bissonnette and Akira Rabelais

France Jobin fj at francejobin.com
Thu Oct 17 16:19:36 EDT 2013

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: France Jobin <fj at francejobin.com>
Date: Tue, Oct 15, 2013 at 12:18 PM
Subject: immersound_LAX and immersound_SEA with Tim Hecker, Christopher
Bissonnette and Akira Rabelais
To: "microsound-announce at or8.net" <microsound-announce at or8.net>

immersound_LAX - Nov 6th 2013 @ 7:00pm

shibui_oto is pleased to present immersound_LAX in partnership with Human
Resources <http://humanresourcesla.com/> and
We are thrilled to showcase the artists Akira Rabelais (US), Christopher
Bissonnette (CA) and Tim Hecker (CA) for an evening of “immersound”.


*Human Resources
*410 Cottage Home St.
Los Angeles CA, 90012

Tickets on sale soon!

immersound_SEA - Nov 8th @ 7:30pm

shibui_oto is pleased to present immersound_SEA in partnership with Wayward
Music Series <http://waywardmusic.blogspot.ca/> at the Chapel Performance
Space <http://chapelspace.blogspot.ca/>. We are thrilled to showcase the
artists Christopher Bissonnette (CA) and Tim Hecker (CA) for an evening of

*The Chapel Performance Space*
4649 Sunnyside Ave. N, 4th Floor
Seattle, WA 98103
Corner of 50th st. in Wallingford

Tickets on sale: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/494256

Tmymtur: Release Date | 18.March.2013
remixes with Taylor Deupree, Yui Onodera, i8u, Celer, Christopher Willits,
Mark Harris, Sogar, Opitope and Stephan Mathieu.

Laureate of the Opus Prize for the concert of the year 2011-2012
presented at*: AKOUSMA 8 : sens_action : France Jobin, *Réseaux des arts
médiatiques on  October 14.2011

Valence on LINE

Surface Tension on Murmur Records, Japan

Tmymtur: Release Date | 18.March.2013
remixes with Taylor Deupree, Yui Onodera, i8u, Celer, Christopher Willits,
Mark Harris, Sogar, Opitope and Stephan Mathieu.

Laureate of the Opus Prize for the concert of the year 2011-2012
presented at*: AKOUSMA 8 : sens_action : France Jobin, *Réseaux des arts
médiatiques on  October 14.2011

Valence on LINE

Surface Tension on Murmur Records, Japan
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