[microsound-announce] Happy 2013 - An _essai_ in feedback: Große_Fuge.mp30000

HarS' Sound Chronicles hars7 at hotmail.com
Tue Jan 1 06:34:05 EST 2013


I wish you all a healthy, happy and productive new year! ...  365 new days to put the 'experimental' back into 'experimental music' ... !

This first day of 2013 is surely as good a day as any to lend an ear to Große_Fuge.mp30000, the subject of the latest SB-entry. It is the result of an experiment that  I conducted over the last couple of months of 2012, for which - fortunately! - it was my laptop that did most of the work :-)

When I was reading and reviewing Jonathan Sterne's book on the mp3 format (Muziek voor Kattenkoppen - Gonzo Circus Magazine #112) I wondered what would happen if you iterate the mp3 encoding of an audio file: make an mp3 of an mp3 of an mp3 ... not a few times, but many, many times.

In order to find out, I instructed my MacBook to start with a recording of Beethoven's Große Fuge, convert it to mp3, and then feed the result back into the iTunes mp3 encoder, over and over again, up to 30.000 times.
The six tracks of  Große_Fuge.mp30000 are, mainly, derived from a number of stages in this iterated encoding (2400, 15.000 and 30.000).

You can read and hear it all here: http://www.harsmedia.com/SoundBlog/Archief/00790.php

Stay well! 
Harold Schellinx
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