[microsound-announce] microsound-announce Digest, Vol 90, Issue 14
Joe B
612bugezjr at gmail.com
Fri Sep 28 22:49:41 EDT 2012
Run angel run
Sent from my iPhone
On Sep 28, 2012, at 3:50 PM, microsound-announce-request at or8.net wrote:
> Send microsound-announce mailing list submissions to
> microsound-announce at or8.net
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> http://or8.net/mailman/listinfo/microsound-announce
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> microsound-announce-request at or8.net
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> microsound-announce-owner at or8.net
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of microsound-announce digest..."
> Today's Topics:
> 1. /dev/art #12 Paris 2nd October ([rybn])
> 2. [pertin_47] dom dumoulin - gone (out today) (max tanguay)
> 3. Subtle Listening workshop - Oct 28 & 29, 2012 (Kim Cascone)
> 4. Sonic Seminars - autumn 2012 (SuperCollider workshops in
> Barcelona) (l'ull cec)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2012 13:23:06 +0200
> From: "[rybn]" <info at rybn.org>
> To: microsound <microsound-announce at or8.net>
> Subject: [microsound-announce] /dev/art #12 Paris 2nd October
> Message-ID: <5065889A.5030102 at rybn.org>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> (sorry for crossposting, feel free to forward to interested parties)
> [.en synopsis --8<-- .fr synopsis --8<-- time/space details]
> Claude Heiland-Allen - http://mathr.co.uk
> making art inspired by maths and science
> ## artist talk (in English) ~60mins
> It is part of my human condition to need to understand the universe
> and express myself within it. The first is called science, for which
> mathematics provides the necessary tools, and the second is called
> art. This talk attempts to explain my personal artistic vision built
> upon mathematics and science, covering topics of curved space,
> symmetry groups, and aesthetic designs; order, chaos and noise.
> ## 'clive' performance ~30mins
> 'C' is one of the original programming languages used to develop the
> UNIX family of operating systems, and is still in common use today.
> 'JACK' is a library for connecting sound making programs together.
> 'Live-coding' is writing and changing program code while it is
> running, to adjust the rules of the game while the game is being
> played. 'clive' is an environment for live-coding JACK DSP loops in
> C, expect micro clicks evolving into textured drones and chaotic noise.
> ## bio
> Claude Heiland-Allen is a London artist starting his 32nd orbit around
> our Sun working in all media available to him at the moments that time
> allows. Early work in proprietary software environmments left him
> unfulfilled and in the mid-2000s he joined the loose Openlab
> collective and the close GOTO10 family to engage with Free Software.
> Using existing solutions still wasn't enough, and he started writing
> his own homebrew custom software to fully express his artistic vision
> of mathematics and science based art. Since the passing of GOTO10 in
> 2012 and a brief stay in psychiatric hospital, he's realized that
> there's a whole lot more to life and living than tinkering with
> technology, and the "old ways" of paper and pencil still have a lot of
> potential.
> --------8<--------
> Pr?sentation du travail de Claude Heiland-Allen (en anglais)
> Il fait partie de notre condition humaine de comprendre l'univers et
> de s'exprimer ? l'int?rieur de celui-ci. La science, pour laquelle les
> math?matiques fournissent les outils n?cessaires, permet de comprendre
> cette 'infinie' ?tendue et l'art permet de s'y exprimer.
> La pr?sentation de Claude Heiland-Allen s'attachera ? expliquer son
> travail artistique construit autour des math?matiques et des sciences,
> en abordant les sujets d'espace courbe, de groupe de sym?trie, et de
> conception esth?tique; l'ordre, le chaos et le bruit.
> Performance clive
> Le 'langage C' figure parmi les premiers langages de programmation,
> ayant permis de construire la famille de syst?mes d'exploitation UNIX,
> et est toujours largement utilis? aujourd'hui.
> 'JACK' est une biblioth?que logicielle permettant de connecter entre
> eux diff?rents logiciels audio-num?riques.
> Le 'Live-coding' est une pratique d'?criture et de modification du
> code informatique pendant son ex?cution, permettant d'ajuster les
> r?gles du jeu alors m?me que le jeu est en train de s'ex?cuter.
> 'clive' est un environnement de Live-coding de boucle JACK DSP
> (Digital Signal Processing - Traitement de signal num?rique), dont les
> micro-clics se transforment en drone de textures et en bruit chaotique.
> Biographie
> Claude Heiland-Allen est un artiste londonien d?butant sa 32e orbite
> autour du soleil et travaillant avec tous les m?dias s'offrant ? lui
> selon son environnement.
> Ses premiers travaux avec les environnements logiciels propri?taires
> le laissant insatisfait, il d?cide de se joindre au milieu des ann?es
> 2000 au collectif OpenLab et plus activement ? la famille GOTO10
> engag?e dans le logiciel Libre. Comme l'utilisation de solutions
> toutes faites n'?tait pas suffisante, il a commenc? ? d?velopper ses
> propres logiciels lui permettant d'exprimer pleinement sa vision
> artistique des math?matiques et de l'art bas? sur la science. Depuis
> la fin de GOTO10 en 2012 et un bref passage en h?pital psychiatrique,
> il a r?alis? combien il existe bien plus dans la vie que le bricolage
> avec la technologie, et que les "vieilles m?thodes" du papier-stylo
> poss?dent encore un grand potentiel.
> Pour une biographie plus compl?te sur Claude Heiland-Allen et pour
> voir ses diff?rents travaux sonores et visuels, suivre le lien :
> mathr.co.uk
> --------8<--------
> /dev/art/#12 invite Claude Heiland-Allen (mathr.co.uk)
> Rencontres, discussions et ?changes entre artistes et d?veloppeurs
> utilisant les nouvelles technologies de programmation (arts
> num?riques, hacking, performances, etc.).
> Le Mardi 2 Octobre / 17h-22h
> ? la Ga?t? Lyrique
> 3 bis rue papin / 75003 Paris - M?tro R?aumur S?bastopol
> __ Centre de ressources _________________________________________
> 17h : petit pot de bienvenue
> 17h15 / 19h : Rencontres /dev/art/. Venez avec vos id?es, vos projets
> artistiques et techniques pour en discuter et trouver des solutions
> ing?nieuses.
> 19h30 / 20h30 : Pr?sentation du travail de Claude Heiland-Allen, entre
> Sciences, Math?matiques et Arts.
> 20h30 / 21h : Performance livecoding avec clive par Claude Heiland-Allen.
> 21h/22h : Discussion/Questions/Echanges entre l'artiste et les
> participants.
> Entr?e libre. La Ga?t? Lyrique accueille les recontres /dev/art/ dans
> le cadre de la r?sidence ? Laboratoire Ouverts ?
> --------8<--------
> See http://rybn.org/dev/art/ for archives of previous events.
> -------------- next part --------------
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2012 10:28:03 -0700 (PDT)
> From: max tanguay <maxbleu at yahoo.com>
> To: 313 <313 at hyperreal.org>, do id <idm at hyperreal.org>, microsound
> <microsound-announce at or8.net>
> Subject: [microsound-announce] [pertin_47] dom dumoulin - gone (out
> today)
> Message-ID:
> <1348853283.34441.YahooMailNeo at web110706.mail.gq1.yahoo.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> hello
> here is the latest pertin-nce release :
> cat. number : pertin_47
> title : gone
> artist : dom dumoulin
> track listing :
> 1- gone
> 2- fields
> 3- gone (hemiptera's moving on remix)
> 4- fields (bleupulp remix)
> sounds like : dub tech, minimal, house, deep
> buy on bandcamp :
> www.pertin-nce.bandcamp.com
> also available on beatport
> www.beatport.com/release/gone/972813
> peace out!
> ps: next release by elektrosandy / free DL
> ?
> net label : pertin-nce.ca
> me : soundcloud.com/bleupulp
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2012 10:44:27 -0700
> From: Kim Cascone <kim at anechoicmedia.com>
> To: Microsound Announce <microsound-announce at or8.net>
> Cc: Sound As Art <soundasart at yahoogroups.com>, margaret noble
> <margaretnoble2000 at yahoo.com>, ambient list <ambient at hyperreal.org>,
> lowercase_sound_list lowercase_sound_list
> <lowercase-sound at yahoogroups.com>, The Wire - announcements list
> <thewire-announcements at yahoogroups.com>
> Subject: [microsound-announce] Subtle Listening workshop - Oct 28 &
> 29, 2012
> Message-ID: <5065E1FB.8030401 at anechoicmedia.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed
> (edit: dates corrected in the Subject line - sorry! -- kc)
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Press Release
> September 24, 2012
> daniel at eyebeam.org
> http://eyebeam.org/events/subtle-listening-inner-ear-training-for-the-sound-artist
> ***Subtle Listening Workshop***
> where: Eyebeam
> 540 West 21st Street
> New York, NY 10011
> dates: Sunday, Oct 28 & Monday 29
> time: 10am ? 4pm
> ***with a public presentation & concert on Monday Oct 29 at 9pm
> Participants will learn how to develop their subtle sense of listening.
> Subtle listening isn't listening attentively to barely audible sounds.
> Subtle Listening is the ability to hear sounds as shapes, contours and
> textures and, via meditation techniques, map them to internal states,
> developing a deeper awareness and sensitivity to the environment.
> During the workshop we will practice techniques culled from Jungian
> psychology, Hermetic philosophy, Rhythmanalysis, synesthesia, paradox &
> Buddhist mediation and brain entrainment. Subtle Listening is not just
> another meditation class, the workshop participants will work towards
> creating a sound art piece derived from their experiences in the
> workshop ? and there is a possibility of pieces being broadcast on radio.
> While the workshop is designed with developing one's auditory sense in
> mind any type of artist can participate. Whether you are a poet, writer,
> photographer, painter, filmmaker, dancer, musician or sound artist your
> work will benefit from a heightened, subtle sense of being connected to
> the world around you.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Registration site: http://subtlelisteningnyc.eventbrite.com/
> For more info:
> http://eyebeam.org/events/subtle-listening-inner-ear-training-for-the-sound-artist
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Kim Cascone studied electronic music at the Berklee College of Music and
> privately at the New School in Manhattan. He founded Silent Records in
> 1985 and has released more than 50 albums of electronic music on Silent,
> anechoic, Sub Rosa, Mille Plateaux, Raster-Noton and Monotype. Cascone
> has performed with Merzbow, Keith Rowe, Scanner, John Tilbury, Tony
> Conrad, Pauline Oliveros and worked as assistant music editor on two
> David Lynch films. Cascone founded the .microsound list in 1999, has
> written for MIT Press and Contemporary Music Review. His writing is
> included in many books on sound art.
> For more information please contact: daniel at eyebeam.org
> ###
> ------------------------------
> Message: 4
> Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2012 22:50:09 +0200
> From: l'ull cec <info at lullcec.org>
> To: microsound-announce at microsound.org
> Subject: [microsound-announce] Sonic Seminars - autumn 2012
> (SuperCollider workshops in Barcelona)
> Message-ID: <50660D81.2060507 at lullcec.org>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed
> SONIC SEMINARS - autumn 2012
> (inscriptions open)
> 05/06/07.10.2012 ? Fundamentals of Sound Synthesis with SuperCollider,
> by Stefan Kersten.
> 26/27/28.10.2012 ? From Interface to Instrument, by Marije Baalman.
> 23/24/25.11.2012 ? Live Real-time Machine Learning, by Dan Stowell.
> 14/15/16.12.2012 ? Non-standard Synthesis: Techniques, Aesthetics,
> Extensions, by Luc D?bereiner.
> Location: Fabra i Coats - F?brica de Creaci?. Sant Adri?, 20. Barcelona.
> Metro Sant Andreu.
> Price: 90? (1 seminar) or 250? (the whole series, 4 seminars)
> +info: [
> http://lullcec.org/en/2012/workshops/seminaris-sonors-tardor-2012/ ]
> ------------------------------------------------------
> web: [ http://lullcec.org/ ]
> facebook: [ http://facebook.com/lullcec ]
> twitter: [ http://twitter.com/lullcec ]
> ------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> microsound-announce mailing list
> microsound-announce at microsound.org
> http://or8.net/mailman/listinfo/microsound-announce
> End of microsound-announce Digest, Vol 90, Issue 14
> ***************************************************
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