[microsound-announce] Super-Collide or Die Workshop 18-19/02/12

Ryan Jordan ryan-jordan at hotmail.co.uk
Wed Feb 8 08:04:44 EST 2012

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> Super-Collide or Die Workshop
> A 2-day intensive intermediate/advanced workshop for the SuperCollider
> programming environment. Participants already familiar with the basics of
> supercollider will be guided into a hands-on exploration of more advanced
> concepts like designing GUIs and virtual instruments, writing classes,
> networking via OSC, interacting with arduino and analogue sensors,
> live-coding, NRT composition, generative music techniques.
> SuperCollider has established itself as probably the most powerful
> programming environment for real time sound synthesis,
> algorithmic/generative music and all sorts of other audio-related
> applications. It is widely used by artists and scientists alike for both
> research and actual artistic creation. It features a powerful
> state-of-the-art sound engine and an easy to learn fully featured object
> oriented language. More, it is open-source and totally free of charge.
> Saturday 18th - Sunday 19th Feb 2012
> 11am-5pm daily
> nnnnn, Unit 73a, Regent Studios
> 8 Andrews Road, E8 4QN
> http://nnnnn.org.uk/
> Cost £60 / £50 conc.
> Booking email ryan at nnnnn.org.uk
> Workshop leader
> Marinos Koutsomichalis
> http://www.marinoskoutsomichalis.com/
> Download Super Collider
> http://supercollider.sourceforge.net/
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