[microsound-announce] Non-standard Sound Synthesis: Techniques, Aesthetics, Extensions

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Wed Dec 5 21:47:44 EST 2012



led by Luc Döbereiner [ http://doebereiner.org ]

In the 1970s, composers such as Gottfried Michael Koenig, Herbert Brün, 
and Iannis Xenakis independently developed sound synthesis methods, 
which were not derived from acoustic, harmonic, or mathematical theories 
but from compositional principles. These composers sought radical new 
ways of describing sound, the composition of sound instead of with 
sound, and strove for extending compositional control to the lowest 
possible level. By treating the digital sample (instantaneous sound 
pressure level) as an elementary material for musical composition and by 
composing sonic micro-fluctuations with stochastic means, they laid the 
foundations of microsound and blurred the distinction of sound and 
music. These systems and aesthetic position still constitute a challenge 
today. On a technological level, the difficulties involved in 
implementing many of the non-standard synthesis methods disclose 
implicit limitations and presuppositions of today’s computer music 
systems. On a conceptual level, they challenge the inherently 
positivistic attitudes present in much contemporary research on sound 

This seminar will explore the history of non-standard synthesis, the 
developer’s aesthetico-political positions, as well as possibilities of 
implementing non-standard synthesis methods in SuperCollider. Moreover 
we will present contemporary extensions of non-standard synthesis and 
will try to provide the participants with the possibilities to continue 
to experiment practically.

Friday   14.12.2012, 18:00-22.00h
Saturday 15.12.2012, 11:00–14:00h, 16:00-19:00h
Sunday   16.12.2012, 11:00–14:00h, 16:00-19:00h

Fabra i Coats – Fàbrica de Creació. Sant Adrià, 20. Barcelona. Metro 
Sant Andreu.

+info & inscriptions:



12.12.2012, 20:00h Non-standard Synthesis: History, Techniques, and 
                    Lecture by Luc Döbereiner

22.12.2012, 19:00h PROOF OF CONCEPT #01:
                    EVOL, Mark Fell, Lee Gamble, Yutaka Makino


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