[microsound-announce] "Netsch" Soundwalk by Steve Jones, 10AM Saturday, Nov. 12

Eric Leonardson info at mwsae.org
Sat Oct 29 17:53:25 EDT 2011

Dear Friends, Sound-makers, and Listeners,

I hope you will join us at 10:00 am Saturday, November 12th when the 
Midwest Society for Acoustic Ecology (MSAE) presents Steve Jones, 
University of Illinois Chicago Distinguished Professor in Communication 
and MSAE member. Steve will give a short presentation concerning mobile 
media, urban spaces and sound, followed by a “Netsch” soundwalk 
<http://mwsae.org/?p=1691> on the UIC campus. Attendance is free.

Meet us at the Behavioral Sciences Building (BSB) room 1169, 1007 W. 
Harrison Street, University of Illinois at Chicago, IL 60607.

Signs will be posted directing visitors to the precise location when 
they arrive at the building entrance, on Harrison. (Google Map 

Updates and other useful notes will be posted on the MSAE website 
Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/MidwestSociety.AcousticEcology, 
and Twitter http://twitter.com/MidwestSocAE.

For those who have time, I suggest having lunch together to discuss the 
chapter's current, and future, plans and opportunities.

Please feel free to contact me and our MSAE co-chair, Jay Needham 
<mailto:jneedham63 at gmail.com> with ideas and questions.

My apologies if you've received the message more than once.

All the best,

Eric Leonardson, President
American Society for Acoustic Ecology
Founder, Midwest Society for Acoustic Ecology
Executive Director, World Listening Project
Email:info at mwsae.org
Skype: worldlistening
Mobile: 773-342-5012

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