[microsound-announce] Practical Sound Analysis, a seminar with Fredrik Olofsson
l'ull cec
info at lullcec.org
Wed Oct 19 01:19:21 EDT 2011
This seminar will give an overview of several sound analysis techniques
and guide participants on how to apply them to control sound or music
processes using SuperCollider (http://supercollider.sf.net/). We will
experiment with techniques for pitch detection and envelope tracking and
will also cover more advanced algorithms, such as event and chord
identification. We will also look at the importance of filtering and
mapping the resulting data prior to using it to drive various synthesis
parameters in realtime.
Instructor: Fredrik Olofsson [ http://fredrikolosson.com ]
Level: intermediate (prior knowledge of basic sound synthesis is
assumed: envelopes, oscillators, filters)
Time Schedule:
Friday 28.10.2011, 18:00-22.00h.
Saturday 29.10.2011, 11:00–14:00h, 16:00-19:00h
Sunday 30.10.2011, 11:00–14:00h, 16:00-19:00h
Location: Hangar. Passatge del Marquès de Santa Isabel, 40. Barcelona.
Metro Poble Nou.
Price: 90€ (or cheaper as part of the whole course)
+info and full program: [
http://lullcec.org/en/2011/tallers/analisi-practica-del-so/ ]
To sign up or request further information, please send an email to
info at lullcec.org.
This activity is organized by l’ull cec with the collaboration of
Consell Nacional de la Cultura i les Arts, Institut de Cultura de
Barcelona, Elektronmusikstudion and Hangar.
web: [ http://lullcec.org ]
facebook: [ http://facebook.com/lullcec ]
twitter: [ http://twitter.com/lullcec ]
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