[microsound-announce] CEC at 25 Edmonton | 18 nov 20h00 - 20 nov 23h59

CEC jef chippewa jef at econtact.ca
Sat Nov 19 14:34:42 EST 2011

PREVIEW: Sea of Sound Festival stretches boundaries of music

[E] Full house last night at the Catalyst 
Theatre. There are 2 more days of activites, come 
on out and brave the -21 white loveliness in 

[F] Salle pleine au Catalyst Theatre hier soir de 
gens qui n'ont pas peur de temperateures vers les 
-21. Il reste encore 2 jours d'activités, venez 
nous voir!

18-20 nov - EDMONTON / Catalyst Theatre, New City Compound and Ortona Armoury


[!!] CEC 25th Anniversary Tour: Victoria <--> St. John's 11 Nov - 2 Dec
http://cec.sonus.ca/econtact/14_4 | 

Communauté électroacoustique canadienne (CEC) 
Canadian Electroacoustic Community
http://cec.sonus.ca | cec at sonus.ca
http://facebook.com/cec.sonus | http://twitter.com/CEC_ca

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