[microsound-announce] InterLABnet-- NOISE jamm

jay at freekculture.net jay at freekculture.net
Sun Mar 20 21:59:15 EDT 2011

...INTERnational interLAB interNET..

 Live ExperiMENTAL noise jam stream

Confirmed SPACES:

 BCN  -- La Rimaia
 Berlin --  Emitter19
 Budapest -- Kaszino2010
 Zurich -- dock18
 NYC --   ?????

There is an international noise conspiracy underway.. Noise artists from
different spaces and labs are coming together to make an on-line streaming

Join us:

all You have to do is :
   organize a jam, set up a streaming mountpoint.. send your embed codes,
and synchronize with us!!!
 or just tune in and watch / listen.. we are going to have a live chat on
to be interactive with our public..

        25 March -22h -

everywhere and nowhere at once

more info @ http://creadoreslibres.net/interlabnet/

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