[microsound-announce] Berlin 13. March - solo + one podcast available now

rinus van alebeek rinusfiles at gmail.com
Thu Mar 10 07:07:40 EST 2011

Dear Friends of good music,

In this mail you will find two announcements and one request.


The podcast of a live session at the Maïzing Studio in Paris on 28 0ct.2010
(with Ian Linter, Anton Mobin, :SUCH: , Blenno and die Würstbrücke and me)
is available here . *http://tinyurl.com/6zcy93r


*I will perform a new piece
"new sounds for dead people"
at the Occulta Fest, Ausland, Berlin.
on the 13th of March.

The piece doesn't really need a living audience.
So, whereever you are, if you know of someone upthere
who could be interested in attending or hearing my performance,
please remind them in your prayers.

We would be grateful.

Have a nice week-end,


new new new twitter.com/rinusnews with the latest news
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