[microsound-announce] Caught in the Flux of History

HarS' Sound Chronicles hars7 at hotmail.com
Wed Jan 12 04:48:48 EST 2011

At the occasion of the opening of the European Resonance Sound Art Network's show at Intro in situ in Maastricht, the Netherlands (running until January 30th), I talked with Belgian musician and sound artist Pierre Berthet.
About hitting things, Filter Queen vacuum cleaners, drops on tin cans and extending deliberately broken loudspeakers ... http://resonancenetwork.eu
On Tuesday January 18th I will host a "live talkshow" at Intro in situ with both Pierre Berthet and Esther Venrooy, whose installation 'Shadow of A Wall' is also part of the show. Starts at 20h30. (Intro in situ workspace, Capucijnengang 12, Maastricht) 
Regular updates on the network's activities at http://twitter.com/resonancenet
Best wishes,Harold Schellinx 		 	   		  
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