[microsound-announce] a cocktail of announcements (reads, sees, listens, releases, concert)

rinus van alebeek rinusfiles at gmail.com
Wed Aug 31 07:26:52 EDT 2011

Dear friends and overseas correspondents,

In this mail an announcement for a concert
and links to a new episode in my ongoing saga
"on narrative listening"
to a report in sound and image of Diktat's visit to Berlin
and to my new CD Luc Ferrari (with download)
topmodel will play in sucked orange gallery,
topmodel Mireia will sing the tarot to volunteers from the audience,
very special guest is Michael Northam
starts around 21.00
emserstrasse 91 -> U8 and S-Bahnhof Hermannstrasse
3 euro to get in
*link -* *http://tinyurl.com/3bmvdqp


I have added a new chapter to my series "On Narrative Listening"
called A Shoe Box full of Memories,
five tape fragments translated into words
*link - http://tinyurl.com/3jvfm45*


A few weeks ago Diktat visited Berlin, played three in-door concerts
and four out-door concerts. I put the written reports (with pictures and
sound extracts)
and the video documentations in one post.
*link -* *http://tinyurl.com/3kbzv37*


My new CD Luc Ferrari is available now, order or listen to a part of it
*link -* *http://tinyurl.com/3fqoqjs*


brand new cassette release available as from tomorrow
*Authentic Rip-Off*
is an authentic rip-off, and will cost you 2.49 euro
pictures and more info will be published this week-end
on rinusvanalebeek.wordpress.com
but you will read/see it first on

Have a great week-end!


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