[microsound-announce] CANCELED: Saturday, April 16 meeting of the Midwest Society for Acoustic Ecology and WLP

Eric Leonardson info at mwsae.org
Wed Apr 13 23:48:43 EDT 2011

Dear Friends,

Due to unforeseen events Saturday's meeting of the Midwest Society for 
Acoustic Ecology (MSAE) and World Listening Project is canceled. MSAE 
member and UIC Distinguished Professor in Communication Steve Jones 
<http://stevejones.me/> looks forward to giving his presentation on 
mobile media, urban spaces, and "Netsch soundwalk" at a later date.

Next month: Saturday, May 21, the MSAE/WLP will lead a soundwalk at the 
Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore in Miller Woods, Paul H. Douglas Center 
for Environmental Education 
<http://www.nps.gov/indu/planyourvisit/deec.htm>, 20 N Lake Street, 
Miller, IN 46403

Please pass the word on to your friends.

All the best,

Eric Leonardson, President
American Society for Acoustic Ecology
Founder, Midwest Society for Acoustic Ecology
Executive Director, World Listening Project
Email:info at mwsae.org
Skype: worldlistening
Mobile: 773-342-5012

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