[microsound-announce] Berlin... in concert ... 19 and 21 oktober

rinus van alebeek rinusfiles at gmail.com
Tue Oct 19 08:44:51 EDT 2010

Dear Followers of good Music,

In this mail you will find an announcement
a call for participants and a recommendation.

Ladies first,

Strongly recommended the solo performance by
Angie Yeowell this evening tuesday 19 at Galery Zeitzone
Adelbert corner Waldemarstrasse in xberg
starts 21.30

Thursday 21 Oktober
at R-20 Ziegrastrasse 11 U+S Sonnenallee
doors 21.00 ends 24.00
the concerts by Gareth Mitchell
and Sam Pluta Trio with Two (!) Drummers
Jim Black and Tony Buck
holds all the promises to become a once in a life time experience
read more here http://staalplaat.wordpress.com/2010/10/18/21-oktober-gareth-mitchell-and-sam-plutajim-blacktony-buck/

Gareth Mitchell will also lead a workshop on composing
open for beginning and advanced composers:
it is for those among you who like to work
on a piece of music, and get to know different approaches.
Gareth's complete explanatory text is here

thanks for your attention,

have a great week!


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