[microsound-announce] [l'ull cec] Sonic Seminars 2010 starting this coming Friday

l'ull cec info at lullcec.org
Mon Oct 4 12:35:11 EDT 2010

l'ull cec has prepared a series of seminars dealing with sound creation
for this autumn/winter. The first one, an introduction to Granular
Synthesis with SuperCollider (still some places left!), will start
coming friday at Hangar, Barcelona. 

See the link below for more detailed information, dates and pricing

Following is a list with all of the seminars to come:

08/09/10.10.2010 – Sonic Pointillism: Granular Synthesis with
- led by Fredrik Olofsson

19/20/21.11.2010 – Data-driven Sound Synthesis: Sound Synthesis
Informed by Analysis Data.
- led by Stefan Kersten and Wernfried Lackner

27/28.11.2010 y 04/05.12.2010 – The Practice of Phonography and the
Politics of Sounds.
- led by Gilles Aubry

17/18/19.12.2010 – Algorithmic and Systems' Music. Música Algorísmica i
de Sistemes. An Introduction to Generative Systems as Applied to Art
and Music in Particular.
- led by Roc Jiménez de Cisneros, with the participation of Wernfried

+info: [ http://lullcec.org/?p=1641&lang=en ]



Rara Avis (sneak preview)
+ redFrik

tuesday 12.10.2010, 20:00h.
La Felpa. Mozart, 29. Barcelona.
7 €

+info: [ http://lullcec.org/?p=1439&lang=en ]


facebook: http://facebook.com/lullcec
twitter:  http://twitter.com/lullcec

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