[microsound-announce] white label 12inch

Thaniel Lee thanielionlee at gmail.com
Mon Nov 22 17:53:53 EST 2010

im working on my first serious dance EP and i would really like to release
it on an analog format and a digital format, and im wondering if i should
release it my self,and how much of a hassle it would be to do so or should i
try to find a label to release it, and how hard that would be to do so.

On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 5:01 PM, John David Tressel <jdatone at gmail.com>wrote:

> what are you interested in knowing and doing?
> there are different vinyl formats with different advantages and at
> different costs involved.
> From a dub plate(single copy acetate disc) to a "regular" vinyl the costs
> and durability are very much worlds apart.
> In a regular vinyl pressing the most expensive part of the process is the
> mold that will be used to press the vinyls. It's a one off cost good for
> several thousand units(I forget how many pressings one can get out of a mold
> before it degrades).
> There's also different vinyl weights, colours. Both of these things impact
> greatly on what the record will be like in the "future", after many many
> plays.
> any specific questions don't hesitate as this is a very vast subject. There
> is no universal rule and output standard in vinyl production.
> a rule of thumb is if you don't intend on making less than 300-500 units
> it's not reasonable financially.
> On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 1:05 AM, Thaniel Lee <thanielionlee at gmail.com>wrote:
>> has anyone here ever pressed a 12inch.
>> --
>> ........................................
>> http://thanielionlee.com/
>> http://usedwheelchairsofcraigslist.tumblr.com/
>> https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=AG3JEL5LYXLDA
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