[microsound-announce] Licht Klang

damien simon damien.simon at bon-accueil.org
Sun Nov 14 06:37:18 EST 2010

Licht Klang
Tilman Küntzel (D) / Re-p.org (AT)
Exhibition from Otober 8th to December 12th 2010
Curated by Damien Simon
Le Bon Accueil
Rennes (FR)

Licht Klang exhibtion with Tilman Küntzel sound and light installation, 
and Micheal Aschauer (part of Vienna artists group Re-p.org) sound and light
installation 8-bit.
"8-bit is a poetic confrontation of a fundamental digital principle with 
its analogue delays and failures: a visualization and interpretation of 
the binary number system as demonstrated by 8 fluorescent tubes 
repeatingly counting all possible values of 8 bit in binary number 
format. The analogue and unpredictable behaviour and latency of the 
tubes transforms this clearly determined and exactly controlled 
arrangement of digital basic instructions into a sound and light 
composition enriched by the element randomness." Re-p.org

The installation by Michael Aschauer can be connected to "the Aesthetic 
of Failure".

Here some videos of the works at le Bon Accueil

Damien Simon


Damien Simon <mailto:damien.simon at bon-accueil.org>
Coordinateur de projets
Le Bon Accueil ?Lieu d'art contemporain 
74 Canal Saint-Martin
35700 Rennes (FR)
09 71 23 19 97
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Programmateur festival Electroni[k]
Du 6 au 17 octobre 2010

A venir :???????????????????????????????????
Aurélie Mourie, /Fouille/(Projet LAB#5), vernissage le 8 juillet à 
partir de 18h30??????
Michael Aschauer/Timan Küntzel, /Licht Klang/, vernissage le 7 octobre à 
partir de 18h30?

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