[microsound-announce] SB :: Noise and Capitalism

HarS' Sound Chronicles hars7 at hotmail.com
Mon Nov 8 03:00:22 EST 2010

SoundBlog / November 04th, 2010 [#394]NOISE & CAPITALISM
* I found the courage to finally read through this bundle of essays (paper version & free pdf download) published about a year ago by the prolific audiolab division of Arteleku, a contemporary art center in Basque Country, Spain. That was because Oscar Martin (noish~) sent me a copy of a fine CDR with a 26 minute piece called "noise&capitalim.txt >> /dev/dsp", made from the sound obtained by reading the book.pdf file as audio ...[ permalink http://www.harsmedia.com/SoundBlog/Archief/00753.php ]
* Just back from a great SHIFT in Basel, Switzerland, which means that the almost-no-more-bèta version of the Google Maps interface to the Found Tapes Exhibition now is online. You can plunge right into it here: http://www.harsmedia.com/Chronson/FT/Maps/  
*Part of this November month I will spent 'composing with mushrooms', as part of the John Cage exhibition and project at Schunck in Heerlen (the Netherlands).
All about that and more to come >>> ... until the "day there will be no music, only possibilities" >>>thx & best,__ Harold Schellinx
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