[microsound-announce] SB :: malheur, twice

HarS' Sound Chronicles hars7 at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 30 07:53:09 EDT 2010

SOUNDBLOG :: March 30th, 2010 [#356]
Late february Diktat did a fine performance at La Machinante in Montreuil, France.
But when we packed our gear, JB found the neck of his 150 year old double bass
had been broken (repair: 5000 euros)...

Even more memorable and unique was our rendering of Stockhausen's
"Right Durations", some weeks later at the Eglise Saint-Merry in Paris IV.
But the morning after we found some rascal stole the wheels of
JJ's car (repair: 700 euros)...

If someone wants to stop us that badly, it surely means we must be on to
something BIG...!?

[ permalink: http://www.harsmedia.com/SoundBlog/Archief/00719.php ]

Also: Last week, during a residency at the Ateliers Claus in Brussels, we contructed a
homolog of Daniel Spoerri's 1961 Carcassonne table...: A map, a table, an instrument
[ permalink:
http://mediaartplatform.org/blog/harold-schellinx/map-table-instrument ]

well, well, well !
__ Harold Schellinx

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