[microsound-announce] ( nula ) new filecast: 2455270 suddenly. video, 4 minutes.

ll at detritus.net ll at detritus.net
Tue Mar 16 08:00:23 EDT 2010

# 2455270 suddenly

video. three short sequences of camera shots from the film
battleship potemkin are reduced to their individual frames. the
frames of I. are directly altered, while II. and III. are
re-ordered or interleaved according to mathematical patterns
chosen at whim.

link: http://nula.cc/55270
blog: http://nula.posterous.com/55270-suddenly

# announcing the nula.cc (we)blog

when i first started the nula project, i had intended to give
visitors the opportunity to comment on the filecasts, and share
with me and other visitors interesting insights and resources
that they may wish to share.

but, human frailty being what it is, i never got around to it. i
still intend to implement something of the sort, but i don’t
want to wait any longer. so starting this blog at posterous is
simply expedient. plus, i like the minimal esthetics and
interface of the site. for now, anyway, posterous it is.

in any event, welcome to the nula blog. bookmark it, grab the
feed, follow it, and moreover, if you feel you want to say
something about the nula project or anything related, we’d be
most grateful for your participation.

link: http://nula.posterous.com/

# recent blog posts

14 March: 55270 suddenly. 
link: http://nula.posterous.com/55270-suddenly

10 March: A few guesses, some of them wild. 
link: http://nula.posterous.com/a-few-guesses-some-of-them-wild

5 March, Katabasis, anabasis: two movements. 
link: http://nula.posterous.com/katabasis-anabasis-two-movements 

3 March, Inaugural post.
link: http://nula.posterous.com/inaugural-post-12

# recent pingbacks

these sites have linked to nula.cc and may be of interest to
recipients of this e-mailing. all pingbacks appear on twitter soon
after they are discovered in our server logs.

Sound as Art
link: http://margaretnoble.net/blog/

Toronto Sound Ecology
link: http://torontosoundecology.org/

# available filecasts

55270 suddenly. manipulated film footage. mp4, 4 minutes. 
55256 movements. collage of field and found. mp3, 15 minutes. 
55207 for strings. composition, mp3, 13 minutes.
55166 edge case. sound collage, mp3, 15 minutes.
55147 twelve o'clock. sound collage, mp3, 14 minutes.
55132 day train. field recording, mp3, 14 minutes.
55114 someplace else. slideshow, pdf or www, 128 images.
55095 abylai. found recording from kazakhstan, mp3, 16 minutes.
55083 in three. collage of field recordings, mp3, 15 minutes.
55060 night train. field recording, mp3, 13 minutes.
55049 underground. video, mp4, 7 minutes.
55033 forty. sound collage, mp3, 14 minutes.
55017 rather sad. composition, mp3, 15 minutes.
55005 on air. collage of field and found, mp3, 16 minutes.

link: http://nula.cc/newer

# interact with nula

- send an email to editor at nula.cc or info at nula.cc
- subscribe to the nula rss feed: http://nula.cc/xml.xml
- follow nula on twitter: http://www.twitter.com/nulacc
- show your support for nula: http://www.cafepress.com/nula
- subscribe to nula filecasts in itunes: http://bit.ly/btUqM
- read the nula blog: http://nula.posterous.com/

# pass it on

please feel free to pass this announcement on to anyone you think might
be interested in it.

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