[microsound-announce] [TN022] noish >> trAnsCodE

oskoff lovich noishx at gmail.com
Fri Mar 5 10:52:38 EST 2010


new solo release  by noish  at  tecnonucleo.org
<http://www.tecnonucleo.org> netlabel

Is a new release containing two tracks originated by playing and
experimenting with (bash) linux console and using one simple command:

cat /dev/mem >> /dev/dsp.

This action will dump a file (in this case a file like "/dev/mem" which is
related to the computer memory) towards our sound device "/dev/dsp". It will
start then interpreting this input data transforming them into sounds.A raw
and 8-bit sound is generated containing its evolutions,dynamic changes,
rhythms, silences, textures, etc. Sometimes it sounds like loading old
fashioned spectrum cassette games.

At this time, I was reading an essay by Simon Yuill about the concepts and
the relation between brutalism architecture and computing art science


This article somehow influenced me at the very beginning of the creative
process, but afterwards I decided to work in other directions with these raw
materials: cooking them by using mutant mathematics generative processes,
iterative and fractal functions applied to granular synthesis parameters.
Simultaneously I was also programming all the software (patches) needed in
PureData frameworks generating feedback between product and process.

At the end by mixing the sound blocks obtained from the transformations
explained above, the two tracks of the release were born. (in the multitrack
editor "Ardour" linux-audio software )

What fascinates me the most from digital media, is having the possibility to
transform whatever you can decode into 0 and 1, and been able to dump it
into different shapes and even languages (audio can be turned into image,
DNA from a cauliflower into a sonora piece...) I find here a retroflavour of
poetic absurd DADA; some kind of situationism deviation, or perhaps a shoot
of machine desire connection....

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>freedownload <http://www.archive.org/details/tn022>

++info http://noconventions.mobi/noish/ <http://noconventions.mobi/noish/>


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