[microsound-announce] Please support the Artspace Rondeel in Maastricht (the Netherlands)

HarS' Sound Chronicles hars7 at hotmail.com
Mon Jan 25 06:13:12 EST 2010

ARM, the Artspace Rondeel in Maastricht, is a unique grass roots place where
artists and musicians from all over the world are given a place to come, meet
and present their work. The ARM as of this january sees itself suddenly
confronted with an extravagant rise of the rent of the building that they have
been using for three years now ...

Please sign the petition, to bring the value of ARM to the attention of the
city's cultural policy and decision makers ... !


You can read a bit more about some of the things going on at the ARM here:

Have a great day!
- Harold Schellinx
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