[microsound-announce] Audiobulb - Happy New Year!

David Newman dwnewman at clara.co.uk
Sun Jan 3 05:21:23 EST 2010

Firstly a warmly delivered HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all!
2010 is looking to be a very interesting year for Audiobulb. We start the
year with the release of the beautiful Milinal album - Honey Meridian. It is
a sublime piece of work by Val who is a Russian sailor by trade and we hope
you will support the artist by checking it out.
MP3 Previews below:
+ http://www.audiobulb.com/albums/AB027/Milinal-Dirketoki-preview_mp3.mp3
+ http://www.audiobulb.com/albums/AB027/Milinal-Brinta-preview_mp3.mp3
2010 will also see Audiobulb heading (as always) in new exploratory
directions. With new music emerging from 
the abstract pop of :Papercutz to the exploratory indie of The Hole Punch
Thank you as always for your support - it means so much to us that listeners
support the music rather than 
downloading the inferior pirate material. Those sites have their own mission
of greed drawing in vast revenues 
from advertising and product placement on the backs of the hard work of in
dependant artists and labels like our own.   
Thank you for your time. Please sign-up to our newsletter for our latest
news and special offers & support our 
work by visiting our online store.
Web > http://www.audiobulb.com
Shop > http://www.audiobulb.com/ab-shop.htm

David Newman

 <http://www.audiomoves.com/> http://www.audiomoves.com | Audiomoves >
Digital audio solutions 

 <blocked::http://www.audiobulb.com/> http://www.audiobulb.com | Audiobulb
Records > Exploratory music 

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