[microsound-announce] SB :: White Fungus

HarS' Sound Chronicles hars7 at hotmail.com
Sun Feb 21 05:49:44 EST 2010

SoundBlog :: February 20, 2010 [#351]

White Fungus
is the name of a bi-annual politically outspoken and independent experimental
art/music magazine, now spreading from taichung city in taiwan, but originating
from and still with firm roots in new zealand...
"magazine? you can't mean... printed...? as on... paper!?"
yes, i can!
printed. as on... paper!
the mag's 11th issue comes with a wonderful cd, containing 15 great tracks
selected by al margolis - a name some may remember from the early days of
cassette culture - from the catalogue of his pogus productions label.
[ permalink : http://www.harsmedia.com/SoundBlog/Archief/00714.php ]

have a contemplative sunday!
__ Harold Schellinx

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Tchattez en direct en en vidéo avec vos amis !  
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