[microsound-announce] call for speaker: Hydrophonia Barcelona 2010

Kim Cascone kim at anechoicmedia.com
Tue Feb 9 12:59:17 EST 2010

I'm looking for someone involved with underwater bio-acoustics to come 
speak at a festival I'm curating in Barcelona April 23rd 2010.

the topic would be 'ocean noise' and have a visual and audio component 
to the talk
but other aspects of hydrophone research or marine bio-acoustic would be 

***note: this talk would be to a non-scientific audience and would be 
more to enlighten the public rather than a presentation of scientific 

any colleagues or associates involved in ocean/marine bio-acoustic 
research or field work would be ideal
and should be based somewhere in Europe (to help keep travel expenses low)

_please forward contact info for possible candidates to:

_Kim Cascone: kim at anechoicmedia.com
Alex Gamez: info at storung.com

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