[microsound-announce] SB :: Long Live Yi Sang ! & Final Call RMAPYS

HarS' Sound Chronicles hars7 at hotmail.com
Tue Aug 24 02:10:53 EDT 2010

SoundBlog / August 22nd, 2010 [#3856]

A distant view on the second part of the Yi Sang project, in the Space Hamilton
in Seoul (South Korea): Rébus bicycle rides, Read me a Poem, and a streaming
audio/video pulp performance with a pale red-haired woman, bathing, a strong
taste for chocolate hard as stone and a gramophone for a suitcase...
[ permalink: http://www.harsmedia.com/Soundblog/Archief/00745.php ]

FINAL CALL for YS-contributions to "Read me a poem, Yi Sang!", which, as you may
recall, in fact is a work that will be completed only at the end of the Yi Sang
Seoul/Paris centenary with your help... (
http://www.harsmedia.com/SoundBlog/Archief/00735.php )
You are invited to send your YS-inspired image, drawing, text ... to
readmeapoemyisang at ...

AE yrs ...
__ Harold Schellinx 		 	   		  
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