[microsound-announce] SB * The unbearable reversal of time: Yi Sang Rebirth

HarS' Sound Chronicles hars7 at hotmail.com
Sun Aug 15 06:18:22 EDT 2010

SoundBlog / August 14th, 2010 [#385]"AND WHAT ABOUT YI SANG?" (... à Paris, iv)
Meanwhile Yi Sang left Paris and returned to Seoul, but this post takes you back a bit in time, to the soirée littéraire in La Générale in Paris, on June 29th, where I introduced three fine ladies who honored the elusive Korean poet with their lectures / perfomances. One wore a white mask, and each in its own personal way was so passionate and intense that it must've made Yi Sang blush... About a strange/ideal symmetrical translation, a Lego architect, Yi Sang in the box, and the unbearable reversal of time.
[ permalink: http://www.harsmedia.com/SoundBlog/Archief/00744.php ]
***!!!!***It is still possible, for all those so inclined, to add to my own YS-contribution, "Read me a poem, Yi Sang!", which, as you may recall, in fact is a work that will be completed only at the end of the Yi Sang Seoul/Paris centenary with the help of *your* contributions...   ( http://www.harsmedia.com/SoundBlog/Archief/00735.php )You are invited to send your YS-inspired image, drawing, text ... to readmeapoemyisang at gmail.com***!!!!***
"Read me a poem, Yi Sang!" (in statu nascendi) can be seen in 'real life' now in Seoul, at 'Yi Sang Rebirth',  the Korean part of the YS project, at the Space Hamilton, 683-142 Hannam-dong, Yongsan-gu, until August 21st.
yrs ...__ Harold Schellinx  		 	   		  
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