[microsound-announce] How erotic can caressing a taped surface be?

HarS' Sound Chronicles hars7 at hotmail.com
Fri Apr 2 10:55:53 EDT 2010

SoundBlog / april 02nd, 2010 [#357 / sbpc/036]TWEET DIGEST #2 (march 2010)
Here's a second monthly SoundBlog Tweet Digest, with lots of fun thingsthat will impress your Easter buns & bunnies! There's even a podcast:"Charly's RjDj Mix" ... !In this edition: * How to mix/mash your RjDj with not even an iPhone * What did Har$ do on his long hot summer nights almost 30 yrs ago?, * The idea of the cassette? That's like the name of the rose ...* How erotic could caressing a taped surface be?* On being nostalgic about Second Life ...
[ permalink:  http://www.harsmedia.com/SoundBlog/Archief/00720.php ]
This weekend in the flesh !! Come and meet us at the Festival MUZZIX this weekend (april 3 + 4 )in Lille, France, where the ANA-R will entertain and educate you in a 2-daymega workshop. Lots of electrickery, bent toys, analog & digital magic,and the latest in the Found Tapes Exhibition ...http://crimeasso.free.fr/spip.php?rubrique23With Antoine-KIK, Louis Fournier, Emmanuel RĂ©bus and Har$Saturday evening april 3 : two (2!) performances by A Table!
Have a great Easter!(Follow http://twitter.com/soundblog to find the eggs!)--Harold Schellinx 		 	   		  
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