[microsound-announce] RjDj workshop @ PICNIC, 23/9/2009

HarS' Sound Chronicles hars7 at hotmail.com
Sun Sep 20 16:37:28 EDT 2009

----------------------------v-----------------------------v----------------------------------------------* still somehat wet behind the ears, but undoubtedly the first truly innovative way to produce and distribute music since the invention of the gramophone ...----------------------------v-----------------------------v----------------------------------------------* distribute your music -  not as a unique, finite & static, recording,but as an everchanging reactive, dynamic & potentially unending process ...----------------------------v-----------------------------v----------------------------------------------
Next wednesday september 23rd, I will assist Florian Waldner of the Londonbased Reality Jockey Ltd. in the first Amsterdam RjDj Sprint Lab, as part of PICNIC09, on the Westergasfabriekterrein.
You will find us at the Mediamatic Camp Site next to the Gashouder, from 10h-17h
* We start in the morning with a general introduction to the principlesof reactive music, and its implementation in the RjDj iThing application.[ read : http://www.harsmedia.com/SoundBlog/Archief/00685.php#rjdj ]
* In the afternoon you will learn all you need to know to compose yourown reactive RjDj scene ...
You are cordially invited. Participation is free. RSVP on the PICNIC website,for the morning session # http://www.picnicnetwork.org/page/55068/enand for the afternoon # http://www.picnicnetwork.org/page/55070/en
We look forward to see you on wednesday
Harold Schellinx--http://j.mp/picnicsprinthttp://ookoi.nlhttp://harsmedia.com

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