[microsound-announce] Reactive Music / Project Icarus OST

HarS' Sound Chronicles hars7 at hotmail.com
Tue Oct 13 03:56:37 EDT 2009

"At the risk of massive flames and being loudly booed: I am convinced that the
current advent of ever more powerful handheld consumer communication and
computing devices, like Apple's iPhone or those running Google's Android, is a
technological leap forward that will come to signal a turning point also in the
history of music production and consumption, comparable to those epitomized by
the introduction of musical notation, or - in late 19th century - by the
invention of the phonograph." ...

[[ Read the in-depth report on the last minute/short notice mini RjDj sprint
that we set up together with Mediamatic at this year's Amsterdam PICNIC, with
lots of reactive music theory.
Also, learn about the ookoi's second RjDj scene: a reactive version of their
original soundtrack for Project Icarus, part of Dick Tuinder's feature-film
"Winterland", which on september 29 had its sold-out premiere at the Nederlands
Film Festival in Utrecht ... ]]
[ permalink : http://www.harsmedia.com/SoundBlog/Archief/00696.php ]

Harold Schellinx

A la recherche de bons plans pour une rentrée pas chère ? Bing ! Trouvez !
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