[microsound-announce] JTTP 2009 Presentation | em-hören (Berlin) | 12-nov-09, 18h00

CEC jef chippewa jef at econtact.ca
Mon Nov 9 20:31:07 EST 2009


This week in the "em-hören" series at the 
TU-Berlin, the winners of the 2009 edition of the 
Canadian Electroacoustic Community's annual Jeu 
de temps / Times Play (JTTP) will be presented by 
jef chippewa from the CEC.

For the 10th edition of JTTP, the CEC 
collaborated with Germany's national 
electroacoustic association, DEGEM, and 
submissions from both Canada and Germany were 
accepted. Prizes were awarded to both the 
Canadian and German top-placing composers.

Multi-channel and stereo versions of some of the 
winning works will be performed and we will be 
joined by winners!

We hope you can make it!


Technische Universität Berlin (TU), Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft
EN 324 -- Einsteinufer 17
Thursday, 12 November 2009, 18-20:00
Presented by jef chippewa, CEC Administrative co-Director


Jeu de Temps / Times Play (JTTP) was relaunched 
in 2000 (as a CEC project) to support and 
encourage the work of Canadian-based young and 
emerging sound artists. This annual project is 
comprised of a competition with more than $6400 
(in 2009) worth of prizes awarded to the top five 
placing composers (by selection of an 
international jury), an issue of eContact! 
featuring all submissions to the project, a Cache 
CD compilation with the top 8-11 placing works, 
and international radio broadcasts and concert 
diffusion for the winners.

For JTTP 2009, the CEC collaborated with 
Germany's national electroacoustic association, 
DEGEM. Similar to the collaboration in 2003 with 
the UK's Sonic Arts Network (SAN), submissions 
from both Canada and Germany were accepted. 
Prizes were awarded to both the Canadian and 
German top-placing composers, and Cache 2009 
(release planned for Spring 2010) will be a 
double-CD, with one CD containing selected 
Canadian works and the other containing selected 
German works.


Communauté électroacoustique canadienne (CEC) 
Canadian Electroacoustic Community
http://econtact.ca | http://sonus.ca | http://cec.concordia.ca/jttp/2009

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