[microsound-announce] SB :: A sound is a sound that sounds

HarS' Sound Chronicles hars7 at hotmail.com
Fri May 29 03:41:15 EDT 2009

SoundBlog :: May 28th, 2009 [#310]

Sound art was the main focus of the tenth edition of the Kunsttour, this May 21st-24th in Maastricht, the Netherlands. Though abundantly used as a label (hence much talked and written about) and widely 'practiced', there is little consensus on what is *sound art* or what it is not, what it should be, and what it should not ...-In Maastricht last week sound art was klankkunst, and there was a lot of it. Read in this post about trees falling in a forest, inverted vacuum cleaners, an old violin and a modified electro-motor;  about Hans Otte's Buch der Klänge and the Feedbacksociety; about Xavier van Wersch and Emerson, Lake & Palmer; and a little about circuitbending. There also was Rébus, who came over from Paris for the weekend and made some clips. This entry includes the first in a series of three.-More klankkunst from Maastricht and uTubes from Rébus' vlog in the next post ...
[ permalink : http://www.harsmedia.com/SoundBlog/Archief/00677.php ]--Have a nice day!__ Harold Schellinx
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