[microsound-announce] Je Me Souviens 2.3 : DEFLAG HAEMORRHAGE/HAIEN KONTRA, Mattin + " "[sic] Goldie, MTL, May 20

Eric Mattson oral at videotron.ca
Sun May 17 15:35:48 EDT 2009


First North American tour.


**Sala Rossa, 4848 boulevard
Saint-Laurent, Montréal**

*Mercredi 20 Mai / Wednesday May, 20 . 2009 
Portes : 19h30 - Spectacle : 20h15
Doors: 7:30 pm  - Concert: 8:15 pm 


as special guest of :

Tribute to Pierre Mercure, Je Me Souviens 2.3


Mario Gauthier, on Pierre Mercure
Mineminemine *(Magali Babin, Eric Létourneau, Alexandre St-Onge)
Monique Jean, Joshua Bonnetta, Dreamcatcher


Coinciding with their new release:
CD Tochnit Aleph (Berlin)

And a reissue of their first work
CD Tochnit Aleph (Berlin)



The most abject music ever made against the reproduction of
When noise becomes impotence, when impotence becomes a
Noise and improvisation never done before, including
elements of
performance and conceptual art.
Overdose of meaning, sucked into vacuum of dissolution.
You never know where your are.

was formed in 2001 in Hackney, East London.
Power improv where anything can happen. The improvisation is
no longer happening just with musicians and their
instruments but on the head of the spectator.
Frustration as Psychological danger.
We all are spectators:
appearance of dissolution mirroring the averageness of our
Something must be done.

DEFLAG HAEMORRHAGE/HAIEN KONTRA have collaborated with some
of the most radical and legendary musicians in the
avant-garde such as Eddie Prevost (AMM) and Philip Best
(Consumer Electronics, ex-Whitehouse).

DEFLAG HAEMORRHAGE/HAIEN KONTRA have performed in festivals
in different parts in Europe such as Netmage (Bologna), 
Abject Music (Berlin), MEM (Bilbao) and  TheErrorIsMedia
(London). They have also done a residency at Worm

is "                "[sic] Goldie & Mattin

"                "[sic] Goldie is one of the most original
noise musician/performers on the European scene. His double
album "ABJECTOR"[sic] is a violent and considered
examination of the fragmentation of language, the
de-composition of instrumental research and the painful
suffering that accompanies it. Far from any current or
cultural influence, Goldie's work places itself in a unique
conceptual universe, and its cruel voice warbles a mix of
agony and ecstasy. 

Mattin is performing at No Fun Fest this year and he just
finished the Whitney Independent Study Program. Among his
projects include: Sakada (with Eddie Prevost)
and the avant-punk group Billy Bao . Mattin has collaborated
with musicians such us Junko, Radu Malfatti, Matthew Bower &
Drunkdriver. He has toured Europe, Japan, China, Australia,
New Zealand and North America. He has over 50 releases in
different labels around the world and with Anthony Iles he
has edited the forthcoming book Noise & Capitalism.
Review of their first record "Luxury"

The Wire (Dec. 2005 U.K.)
The long awaited debut release of Deflag Haemorrhage/Haien
Kontra aka Mattin (guitar, vocals and computer feedback)
and "            "[sic] Goldie (drums, vocals, disc, chain
and bird whistle] comprises 15 tracks recorded between July
2002 and November 2003. It includes one truly scary field
recording made by Zoe Broughton at Huntingdon Life Sciences
back in 1997, where she was working undercover for a Channel
Four documentary to expose the notorious animal research
facility's appalling cruelty to animals (see
www.shac.net/HLS/exposed/broughton.html).  A concert or
album of unrelenting ferocious noise, whether by
Hijokaidan, Borbetomagus, Merzbow or The Dust Breeders, may
be a highly enjoyable rush of pure
adrenaline, but it's no longer exactly a surprise. Mattin
and Goldie can burst eardrums as well as the above - watch
your speakers on the apocalyptic "Submucosa" - but they've
learnt their lowercase lesson well, and use disturbingly
quiet passages and slow menacing drones to equally
devastating effect. Mattin is as unpredictable as ever,
lurching from the kind of delicate laptoppery that graced
his Grob release Building Excess with Klaus Filip, Dean
Roberts and Radu Malfatti, to blasts of unmitigated sonic
terror that will melt the fillings in your teeth.
His guitar work and vocals are just as extreme, especially
on the splendidly titled "It's Not Your Fault You Are The
Authentic Version Of What The Rest Of Us Can Only Imagine",
apparently recorded live (listening to the screams of terror
and the vicious thudding of heavy chains I'm glad I wasn't
there). Goldie's drumming is savage and ritualistic, from
the isolated explosions of "Humiliated" to the all-out
blitzkrieg of his solo offering "Lacguage = Noumenal Sarcoshyce"[sic] (a
whole page of similarly impenetrable logorrhea adorns the
6" x 8" album cover), but it's refreshingly far removed
from both free jazz and Improv percussion cliche, even
though I suspect his collection includes a fair number of
Eddie Prevost albums. Luxury is an album of awesome
intensity, one that deserves to be blasted mercilessly from
a 40,000W PA outside Huntingdon Life Sciences every day
until the torture ceases.
Dan Warburton.


Je Me Souviens (2) : Hommage aux pionniers de la musique
électronique québécoise / Tribute to Quebec Electronic Music pionneers

*Je Me Souviens 2.3 Hommage à / Tribute to Pierre Mercure
Mercredi 20 Mai / Wednesday May, 20 . 2009 Sala Rossa, 4848 boulevard
Saint-Laurent, Montréal  Portes : 19h30 - Spectacle : 20h15 - Doors:
7:30 pm  - Concert: 8:15 pm


Partie 1 : Présentation de Pierre Mercure, le compositeur, son oeuvre par Mario Gauthier / An introduction to the composer's life and works by Mario Gauthier.

-Écoute / Listening :   Incandescence (1961)    
Partie 2 : Composition inédite de Mineminemine (Magali Babin, Eric
Létourneau, Alexandre St-Onge) inspirée de la vie du compositeur /
Original composition inspired by the composer's life.
Partie 3 : 4 concerts uniques, 3 oeuvres inédites par des
compositeurs d'aujourd'hui / 4 unique live sets, 3 unreleased works by
today's Quebec composers. 
                 Monique Jean
            Joshua Bonnetta

+ Invité spécial / special guest :     

            Deflag Haemorrhage/Haien Kontra :
 Mattin, "          " [sic] Tim Goldie (Pays basque, UK,


Pierre Mercure

Compositeur, réalisateur d'émissions de télévision, bassoniste, né
à Montréal le 21 février 1927, mort accidentellement près d'Avallon en
France le 29 janvier 1966. Intégrer les différentes formes de création,
fusionner théâtre, musique, danse, peinture, sculpture, tel fut l'axe
autour duquel se façonna la vie et l'oeuvre de Pierre Mercure. Il
chercha au cours des années 1959-62 un nouveau langage en explorant le
monde de l'électroacoustique, exploration amorcée au contact du Groupe
de recherches musicales de la RTF et de Pierre Schaeffer, lors d'un
stage d'études en Europe (1957-58). Répercussions, Structures
métalliques I et II, Incandescence et Improvisation sont autant
d'oeuvres construites à partir de sons concrets transformés au moyen
d'appareils électroniques. Les oeuvres sont quelquefois accompagnées de
mouvements chorégraphiques, souvent de projections lumineuses. En
organisant la Semaine internationale de musique actuelle (août 1961),
Pierre Mercure fit de la prospective : John Cage, Serge Garant,
Mauricio Kagel, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Christian Wolff, Iannis Xenakis.
Cet événement isolé, mais que Pierre Mercure aurait voulu annuel,
ouvrit la voie à ce qui allait devenir en 1966 la SMCQ. Un troisième
stage d'études en Europe pendant l'été 1962 lui permit de se
familiariser avec la musique de source électronique. Structures
métalliques III, oeuvre composée au cours de ce stage, fut présentée au
Fluxus Internationale Festspiele Neuester Musik à Wiesbaden le 16
septembre 1962. Au moment de sa mort, dans un accident de la route,
Pierre Mercure arrivait à peine à maturité. Il venait d'écrire, au cours de l'été précédent passé à Darmstadt, une oeuvre ouverte, sans commencement ni fin, au sein de
laquelle les accidents de chaque instant permettent la constitution
d'un tout formel : H2O per Severino pour quatre à dix instruments

(Source : www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com)



Conçu et produit par Eric Mattson (www.oral.qc.ca)
en partenariat avec le Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, alcides lanza, le
festival Suoni Per Il Popolo (www.casadelpopolo.com/suoni/aboutfr.htm),
Bibliothèque et Archives Canada, le Musée canadien des civilisations.

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