[microsound-announce] [l'ull cec] MoHa! live in Barcelona (sala monasterio, 05.05.2009)
l'ull cec
info at lullcec.org
Sat May 2 20:53:04 EDT 2009
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MoHa! (rune grammofon)
[ http://www.n-collective.com/moha ]
tuesday / dimarts / martes, 05.05.2009, 21:00 hrs.
Sala Monasterio
Passeig Isabell II, 4. Barcelona.
Metro Barceloneta o Jaume I.
8 euros
Anders Hana (guitar and keyboards, member of Noxagt, Ultralyd and
Jaga Jazzist and Morten J. Olsen (drums and Supercollider3, member of
Ultralyd; also played with Axel Dörner, Fred Frith and Steve Lacy)
are the two halves of MoHa!, a project which resists all categorisation and
brings together noise, free improvisation and computer music.
On this occasion, MoHa return to Barcelona with a new record ("One-Way
Ticket To Candyland", released by Rune Grammofon in june 2008) and
loaded up with a mountain of gear as usual.
Anders Hana (guitarra i teclats, membre de Noxagt, Ultralyd i Jaga
Jazzist) i Morten J. Olsen (bateria i Supercollider3, membre
d'Ultralyd; ha col·laborat amb Axel Dörner, Fred Frith i Steve Lacy) són
les dues meitats de MoHa!, un projecte difícil de categorizar que
beu a parts iguals de la improvisació lliure, el soroll i la
computer music.
En aquesta ocasió, MoHa tornen a Barcelona amb un nou disc sota el
braç ("One-Way Ticket To Candyland", publicat a Rune Grammofon al juny
del 2008) i armats fins a les dents com ja ens tenen acostumats.
Anders Hana (guitarra y teclados, miembro de Noxagt, Ultralyd y Jaga
Jazzist) y Morten J. Olsen (batería y Supercollider3, miembro de
Ultralyd; ha colaborado con Axel Dörner, Fred Frith y Steve Lacy) son
las dos mitades de MoHa!, un proyecto difícilmente categorizable que
bebe a partes iguales de la improvisación libre, el ruidismo y la
computer music.
En esta ocasión, MoHa regresan a Barcelona con un nuevo disco bajo el
brazo ("One-Way Ticket To Candyland", publicado en Rune Grammofon en
junio del 2008) i armados a los dientes como ya nos tienen
[ http://www.n-collective.com/moha ]
[ http://www.myspace.com/themoha/ ]
[ http://www.runegrammofon.com/ ]
MoHa! play somewhat loud music influenced by incredibly varied sources.
Some say the duo deal in sonic splatter, some say this is gibbering
and twitching and going off and things good/bad, shape-shifting and
gear changing, sharp blasts of savagely intense composition.
"In order to understand the characteristic of moha we should know what
we are ignorant of when there is moha".
soon / properament / próximamente:
08-10.05.2009 ... circuit-bending workshop with Juan Matos Capote
in hangar. +info: http://lullcec.org/
sign up: info at lullcec.org
properament / próximamente / soon:
06.06.2009 ... Cap Sembrat 5
amb mudboy, antoine chessex, daito manabe,
le dépeupleur (z. karkowski i kasper t. toeplitz),
& +
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